Thursday, October 6, 2011

Have you ever heard a man nag?

Okay so I've posted many times about my abusive ex. He's still in my life because of the kidz? He's staying with me right now till I start school, so he says. I keep telling him to just leave..but he won't. Long story short he nags like an old woman...and if I don't respond to him, he calls me a B*tch or a fat lazy c*nt that I don't care, (I'm in no way fat) His mother used to nag and b*tch alot too, oh the water this, the neighbors, my billz, my health...hereditary? He say he works, he provides, I am grateful, but we decided along time ago to split. With the understanding that he finds his own place. he's more than capable of doing so. He nags from the moment he's awake till he come bak from workI just leave the room then again you b*tch you don't care! and he's right I don't care when he nags I don't even want to talk to him! He uses the kidz as an excuse, he's helping out? (atleast he's helping out I know) well he could help out and not be living with us. We don't sleep in the same room and there is zero intimacy, so that's not a worry. I'm even seeing a guy, and my ex is like its your life? but why is my ex still in mine? Ugh..I'm so sik of it.

Any suggestions on how to ge rid of him? I've locked doors, changed locks (kidz let him in) Last night he just walked in and plopped his bags down and said where's supper? I wasn't expecting him? Nothing was made he called me names again. Could somebody please gimme some good logical advise..beside restraining orders and cops, cause he is helping out financially, for that I am grateful, but living together is a nightmare? My one friend said let him stay and take him to the cleaners? I thought about it but...thats really mean he has it in his heart for the kidz. and it was accepted on both sides to end the relationship
Have you ever heard a man nag?
Are you divorced or just seperated? If divorced....there is something called a restraining order.
Have you ever heard a man nag?
either get a restraining order or put up with it
Well your between a rock and a hard place, you keep him around to help out with the kids but he is still an abusive jerk. I know you don't want to but i would call the cops and have him removed.
If you thought so much of the kids you would get rid of this guy because he is hurting them not helping them. I'm sure they hear what he says to you and that's bad. If he cared so much for them he wouldn't act that way in front of them.
Give him a deadline. If by August 30th he's not gone you will arrange for the police to remove him from your house (not in front of the kids). Warn him if he doesn't cooperate and get the kids to let him in you will then get a restraining order.

File for child support.

I know you said you don't want the police or restraining suggestions but this is what it's coming down to, you've tried everything else.
I find that the most repulsive thing on the planet when a man nags, he sounds like a total plonker. B*tch slap him then super glue his big gob shut.

Pack your bags and moon the idiot on the way out the door.
if you are legally and completely divorced from him and you legally own the house or are renting and his name is not on the lease then you can call police and have him arrested for Breaking and entering, trespassing and various other crimes. Sounds like he's a control freak pain in the azz!
Don't let him inn, even he sleep infront your door, he will get tired and will give up, and even you called the cops and had him a restraining orders, he would still have to help the kids financially.
stoppppp! Whyyyyy arrrrrre youuuuu nagggggggging meeeeee?
Simple call the police and have them escort him away, and then get a restraining order put into place until you can get some kind of custody agreement. Or if you would prefer his comfort over your childrens having to sneak him in, just get a custody agreement in court. Honestly, if you think it is in your children's best interest to hear him call you those names, you are setting them up for all kinds of trouble in their own future.
Jeez. . .whine much?

%26quot;He helps out with the kids.%26quot; Umm. . .newsflash: HE'S SUPPOSED TO--they're HIS kids!!!

File for child support, and when it kicks in, kick HIM out!!! Problem solved.
You can't have it both ways, you want him and his nastiness gone, but you want to keep him for the money and the kids.

Decide for yourself which is more important to you for him to stay or go, remember even if you aren't married he has to support the children, but what you want is to complain and not do anything that will upset your apple cart.

That won't help anything, you have accepted his presence, refused to call the cops, refused to move out yourself, all of this inaction is telling him he can do what he wants, you are too lazy to really take action.

No one can get you to act when the consequences of that action aren't what you want to happen.
I'm so, so sorry that you're dealing with this!! I'm sure it's frustrating for you.

Know that the kids need a healthy environment, and that a stable household for them is best. This ex needs to LEAVE.

Talk to your kids, and let them know that their dad will be leaving. Let them know that they are not allowed to let him back in the house. And as someone else suggested, give your ex a deadline. He has to be gone by a certain date. STOP getting financial support from him, until you file for child support.

This man needs to get out of your life. It sounds like you might need help from authorities.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS ON YOUR OWN. Call a domestic abuse (because YES, this is abuse) hotline and get the help and support that you need!! Call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). You can view sites for information on help in your area. And is a very helpful website.

Take care of this now. Please get help!!
This question is a nag itself lol......

A woman knows what it feels like now when a person nags

go figure lol