Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Serious Question... should i change the locks?

okay, here's the situation. my gf who i've been living with for the past year and a half broke up with me three months ago. since, she's been jobless and i'm a nice enough of a guy to cover her side of the rent for those three months... a total of $975..... we got in a fight today and she said she didn't owe me sh!t... so i told her she had until this friday... three days from then, to pack her sh!t and get the hell out of MY apartment (we used to both be on the lease, but as of two weeks ago, i turned in the roommate removal form with signatures from me and her, as well as both of our guarantours, which happens to only be my mother.

so, she's out tonight, and i placed a barricade to the door to our apartment... in hopes of when she comes home tonight, she won't be able to come in until she gives me her copy of the key to the door to MY apartment, once she gives it up, i'm willing to let her in to pack her stuff and/or ship it somewhere else... maybe her boytoys' places? who knows? i don't care.

and if she doesn't give me the key, i'll replace the barricade, and by the time she comes home from work tomorrow, her key won't work for MY door... i'd have changed the locks by then through my leasing office... and since she's technically an %26quot;illegal resident%26quot;... as labelled by the leasing agent i had just recently talked to.... she has no right to be here without my permission, no matter how much stuff she has in my apartment.

though, i'm a nice guy, and she needs her stuff... and i don't want her stuff... so i want to let her get her sh!t out of my place.... but... ever since i found a condom wrapper on the floor that i had vacuumed last week, i can't obviously trust her in my apartment without me present. this is why i need her key, and this is why if she doesn't give me her key, she's not staying here tonight, nor will her key work tomorrow....

i want to let her stay here for the night, but tonight is the last night she is welcomed in my apartment, tomorrow night... she'll have to figure her own way..

my question is.... can i legally be screwed? can kicking out an %26quot;illegal resident%26quot; in a college town apartment complex lead me to being sued successfully? especially since 90% of her stuff is still here?

or do i have the right to do what i want, while still being respectful to her as a human and not the exgirlfriend who cheated on me...??

thanks ahead of time... and any other general laws, opinions, rules, morals, and/or experiences involving kicking out an unwanted resident in any situation is greatly appreciated...
Serious Question... should i change the locks?
I think it'll be best to change th locks. Who knows if she'd make another copy of th key? Change lock.