Friday, September 23, 2011

Christan duty?

Our family gave their all money machines time and talent to help a young Christan start his new company.

When I came in today I found he was less than truthful he tried to sell thing that were broken to people we were trying to bring to God he lied about his finances so he got more from us. His pastor would say we needed to give more give tell hurts and then some. God made sure our family ate and is clothes he made sure we have a place to lay our heads. God has cared for us Today I had to change locks on the office to keep this person and his friends out so that we can have needed things to work safe.

and yet I feel I never did my Christan duty to this person ..

I never showed a better way to live and better way to work with others. I lack showing honest and how it is important I lack the

time to spend with this person because he %26quot;does not women%26quot; in business.

Our we wrong not to feel anything for this person and pastor
Christan duty?
God was just teaching you a great big lesson of life. Learn from it. God is your provider, and guess what, God is his provider too. When Jesus came to earth, what did He do for poor people? Give them money? No, read the Bible it says He preached the gospel to them. Why because when people do as God directs (see the end of 2 Cor 6) God becomes their provider,protector and leader and will provide for them and protect them and lead them. Just as He does for you. Then you will not be out on a limb when someone turns out to be a con-artist.

I think the best thing you can do for some one like that is to work with them for their spiritual growth and watch with them as God provides for them.
Christan duty?
No. Helping dishonest people is not anybody's Christian duty.

You got dealt some non-Christian doody.
It's not your job to guide someone who doesn't ask for guidance. He asked for money and you gave, you fulfilled your duties completely. He did not ask for a way to live a better life. Until he does so you don't have to.
sound like a bunch of scumbags, don't let the christian tag fool you into thinking people are good or honest
If you can teach him, then try. But if he is just trying to scam you then I would protect what is yours and let him know why. You can show God's love through correction. Isn't that our parents did when they disciplined us as children? Also, God disciplines us as well.
The shame is on him, not on you. If a person lies or cheats and uses a giving heart, believe me, they will pay for it one way or another.

Do not keep giving to someone who has deceived you. Pray for them, yes, but there is no Christian duty that calls us to be foolish and enable another to cheat us.
I think god failed to give you punctuation, proof reading, and spell check skills.

Don't you find it amazing that god NEEDS you to give away all of your money? Isn't it more amazing that you blame your self for not being a better victim.

I think it would be prudent to file a lawsuit and bring criminal charges against this %26quot;young christian%26quot; and his church. But I bet god won't let you do that.

Wake up now, or I'll see you at the homeless shelter.

I bet you didn't know that 92% of the scams on the internet are perpitrated by people claiming to be christian. They claim to be christian because they know that many christains are easily fooled and are predisposed to taking things on %26quot;faith%26quot; and will believe anything another christian tells them.
they have a word for people like you, its called: PIGEON

why don't you go help some nigerians get money out of thier banks.

it is your christian duty to respond to these emails they send you and give money.
Forget about the pastor. But you need to show the right way in doing things to the guy. He cant go around cheating others.