When your home is foreclosed how long do you have to vacate the premises?
If he is truly mentally ill and you could prove it. You should contact a lawyer because they cant serve papers on someone who is mentally ill and a lawyer could possibly stop the auction. And could tie it up for a while.
When your home is foreclosed how long do you have to vacate the premises?
I think from the time you are served an eviction notice 30 days.
It depends on your state, but 30 days is a rough rule of thumb. Someone will contact him to begin the dispossessory process (eviction). At that point there will be a solid time line to go by. Just follow the instructions on the %26quot;tack%26quot; notice that the Sheriff's department will literally tack on the door.
Sorry for your friend's misfortune. Best of luck.
He needs to be out before the auction.
I am surprised they have not had the sheriff evict him by now
After the auction they will show up, and if they see that the property is occupied, they will have to go through the eviction process. The amount of time it takes to evict someone will depend on the eviction process of your county.
Some states have a redemption period in which the owner may reclaim his property after it has been foreclosed on. Check to see if your state has a redemption period.
Also, someone brought up a point to contact an attorney. This is very good advice. Do this immediately!
The day the title transfers (day of auction) he stops being legally resident. He will have to be evicted and that takes what ever it takes in the local community.
Find out the local rules. In some locations they can move all his stuff out into the street independent of the weather. In other locations they have to put it in storage and then bill him for the move and storage. If he does not pay they auction off the items.