Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I would like to know if a person can reside in an industrail area, such as a warehouse?

I share a warehouse with three other businesses a sprinkler system installer, I have a Massage business and on the end stuidoes for bands to pratice in. I am refereing to the people that live in the band stuideo. For the past 6 months these people have been coming in through the ceiling, walls, and any which way they can to use my shower, rooms, t.v., computer and so on. I had the landlorde replace the celing. Ive had locks changed many times and even had a security system installed. as soon as the police arrive they are gone, well they do live next door! Cameras haven't helped any, they jam them some how. So now they need to move! I don't belive it's leagle
I would like to know if a person can reside in an industrail area, such as a warehouse?
The issue of use lies in the zoning code that defines the uses of the particular zoning given to the property.

Most zoning codes do have mixed use in their commercial zoning in where you can use the property for both commercial use and residential use, however; these uses are permitted only after proper application to the land use department of the municipality that enforces such codes. To simply move in and start doing whatever it is you want to do is not allowed without the proper permits. Therefore I would suggest you contact your land use code enforcement department and determine first what the allowed uses are and if proper permits have been received by all users in the building.

As to the actions of one of the parties regarding entering your rental premises without your permission; this is against the law and could be considered criminal in nature, I would suggest you contact the landlord and file a complaint and if nothing happens then contact the police and file a breaking and entering criminal report. At some point you might want to contact a local legal beagle to give you legal advice.

I wish you the best
I would like to know if a person can reside in an industrail area, such as a warehouse?
It's not legal. it's likely zoned for commercial, not residential.
If they are coming in through the building, into your private business, it is breaking and entering. This is your private business space, and since you pay rent, it is considered your private property. The police need to stake the place out and watch what these people are doing. If you can not get the police to do this, then I suggest that you take a camera, or a video camera, stake the place out yourself, and get pictures of them in the act. Please!!! BE CAREFUL!! these people could be dangerous, they could be on drugs or have weapons. DO NOT enter the building to get these pictures! If you are not comfortable with this hire a private detective. They are trained to get evidence without getting hurt. Once you have the pictures or video, take it to the police. They have no choice but to act. I would also notify the owner of the studio about what has been going on. I would not tell him of your intentions to get evidence against these people, for all you know he is in on it with them. Hope this helps!