Thursday, October 6, 2011

How much does it cost to have a dead bolt lock changed on my front door?

My roommate is driving me nuts and I am starting to wonder if there isn't something mentally wrong with her. She is moving out in 2 weeks but I want to tell her to leave now. There are no legal issues because everything is in my name.
How much does it cost to have a dead bolt lock changed on my front door?
I don't know how much a locksmith would charge, but you could buy a lock at Lowes or Home Depot for $20 and do it yourself. All you need is a screwdriver and just read the instructions carefully.
How much does it cost to have a dead bolt lock changed on my front door?
GO to hardware store and buy a new one; change it yourself. Easy as hell and cheap.
It's very simple to do yourself. Just go to Lowe's or Home Depot and purchase a new one. The style of the lock will determine the price.
It's pretty cheap. Last time I did this I had 3 locks to change and the guy charged me $5.00 per lock.
It dosen't cost much if you do it yourself. It is very easy to do, and all the instructions are in the box. Good luck.
Less then 10.00
Buy a dead bolt lock the same brand that is on the door. It is just a matter or removing two screws and pulling out the lock. No need to remove the lock in the door jamb. Put the new one in and fasten the two screws. Voila.
  • make a white substance foamy
  • lock file