I made a mistake last month by subleting a room in my apartment to a 19 yrs old girl,totally irrespossible, noisy and selfish. Iam a male medical student and talked to her about noise and later asked her to move out. But she refuses to move out.We have stopped talking. The apartment is in my name and I have been living here for 10 yrs. She has paid me the September rent and deposit in Cash. Iam in a very bad fix and I just do not have any time for any legal action because of my exams almost every week. Anyway FYI - subletting a room in New York is illegal. But all of us do it just to break the crazy rents in NY. Iam planning to talk to her and give her until end of October.
Can I change the locks or throw her stuff out if she does not move by end of Oct ? Can I call cops, will they be on my side? What options do I have?
How do I get my 19 year old roommate out of my apt, I am a student and I sublet a room in my apartment in NY.
hell no u cannot change the locks and u cannot throw her stuff out.just let her know that you are giving her 30 days notice in writing for her to vacated on ____________(said date). (be very detailed of why the agreement is not working, date the letter, and when u would like her out at that time u will return her security, blah blah blah) you can find the forms for nys here: http://www.blumberglegalforms.com/Forms/鈥?/a>
If she does not move out on that said date than bring the documentation to court, pay 15 dollar court fee and the courts will legally evict and kick her out. If u change the locks or remove her items u are liable and could be arrested. If you feel like she really wants to drag this out then vow to make her life a living hell every single day she continues to live there and do so. I had a roommate who refused to leave and kept dragging stuff out in court, so I had my friends over every night. Got up at 6 am and ran up and down te stairs, slammed doors, smoked, did everythign in my power to piss them off. By the end of the week he was gone bc his whole %26quot;im going to stay and squat%26quot; didnt last long when he realized I was not giving up in kicking him out. just some friendly advice, do what you wish.
How do I get my 19 year old roommate out of my apt, I am a student and I sublet a room in my apartment in NY.
nope go to court
evict her, she can call cops on you if you lock her out.
There's nothing you can do except go through the court systems. If you change the locks or throw her stuff out, SHE can take you to court - and she'd win!
I guess maybe next time you should either follow the law so you have some options, or you should make a better decision about who to rent to. I don't know what else to say. You're screwed.
There's nothing you can do since you broke the law yourself. You should have thought of that before you did it.
Now you have to go through the court to get anything done and they are going to jump on you because you broke the law.
Good Luck!!
okay acutlay you may have lucked out here. She paid in cash and isnt on the lease, am I correct? If she doesnt have anything writing. Send her a letter in certified mail saying she has 30 days or you will begin eviction processes and be done with it