homeowner had house up for sale prior to court .owed other party money, when asked how was going to pay debt owner offered that they can take a lien and put it in her escrow so when the house was sold they would get money directly from her escrow that way she showed she had means and wasnt gonna get her money and run she would pay her debts from her sale proceedes.but instead other party stop the sale of her home changed locks so realtor had no acess and put their onw lien on it. wanted to fight that right there,but instead due to time asked date of lien sale auction and total amount.they told her 10th of month . emails to prove this. so on 7th of month got a loan from family member to have debt cleared and remove from auction. talked to lawyers of other party and was told where to pay when then another email came saying it would do no good as auction was the 6th. they told her 10th. finding out same day on 7th it did not sell. no one bid on it.they have ignored her ,house sits abandon
Can civil case,sueing be brought upon deceptve acts?
This sounds like a good case that can be won. Just find the right attorney. You should also notify the judge about what the other party did, he might also be in contempt of court.