How do you feel about Obama claiming on numerous occasions to have open Health care debates on CSPAN?
First of all, how I feel is unimportant. What is important is how I think. I think most people in America recognize this Democrat power grab for what it is. The complaint about Republicans is obviously ridiculous. They do not need a single Republican vote. Yet, they still can't get it passed. One could say, the Democrats may be a majority in numbers in Congress but the Health Care Reform Bill supporters are in the minority in this instance. Why should the minority prevail?
How do you feel about Obama claiming on numerous occasions to have open Health care debates on CSPAN?
Like everything else he says: He Lies... (Joe Wilson was spot on)....
Another lie....
ALL liberals lie if they think it will help them.
What do you call it? Let see, he opened his mouth . . . , oh ya - You Lie!
Is it possible for the man child to lie. If he didn't lie then how could a messiah make a mistake. I thought he is infallible like the Pope is and if he is all seeing all knowing why didn't he avoid this little problem. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I guess I will have to take him out of the Nativity Scene.
That is one of 8 campaign promises that Obama has broken so far. He has kept 68 promises though. 68 - 8, I'll take that kind of record from a politician any day.
The GOP is America's enemy right now.
The GOP is doing anything possible to defeat President Obama's plans for selfish reasons.
They are the divisive party of the past and are not trying to be helpful to the American people.
They are merely trying to defeat any programs that give Obama credit in their desperate quest for 2012.