I've recently bought a new house with a garage. The garage door has a lock (it's currently unlocked) but I have no key.
Is it possible to change the lock without having the key? It's a Henderson handle with the lock built in, and the garage door is of the up-and-over variety.
How do I change the lock on my garage door?
The T-handle type is very easy to change. Just two bolts hold it on, most often. A new handle should cost about $15 at a good hardware store. The same T handle is used on truck caps, so a place that sells those is a good place to find one, as well.
Re keying the old one requires more labor than it is worth.
A locksmith can easily impression a key for the old one, but again, it will cost more than a new lock.
How do I change the lock on my garage door?
Normally from inside it is possible to remove the whole lock barrel and replace with another.
There are usually two screws in the inside if the lock, take these out. Take the lock out of the door by pulling on the front part of the lock and the back. Find a local HARDWARE not home center in your area they are a lot more customer oriented. Ask them if they have a lock that will work in your door, if not, sometimes the lock can be re-keyed (the pins are changed out, and new keys are made).
Any locksmith can make a key to a lock providing you can get the lock off and bring it to him. I have done this for about seven dollars you have to weigh the cost between new or rekeyed.