And how much do they run? Bought truck from tweakers who did not have the keys to doors. Currently having to break in wing window and roll down window to get in if I've locked it.
How hard is it to change the door locks on a '73 Chevy PU?
I don't know specifically on your truck if this is true but generally once you have the door panel off you'll find Large u shaped clip on the back side of the lock.On something that old it may be a bit stuck but usually you can get a large pry bar on on the lip of the clip then leveraging against the interior metal of the door give the handle of the bar a few firm bumps til the clip slides out.Try not to hit it all at once those things can really fly when they come loose.Once you get that off lock should slide out of the hole and you'll find a retainer clip for the rod that locks your door.Opposite steps to go back in