I will obtain an attorney for the purposes of getting a quiet action deed, but I have questions that might ease my mind while I am considering the purchase of tax property.
Once the county has had its tax sale and the state has purchased the property,
1) Who cares for the property? --some of these places look abandoned but are mowed, others are not mowed at all.
2) Who has the keys to the property/house?
3) How can I get an idea of the inside of the property, ie. how many rooms, appliances, condition of floors, walls, etc.? Is that even possible? ((I am looking to buy my first tax property in a certain area as a home. I wouldn't have the time to fix up something, sell it, and look for something else, although I may do that later.))
4) What if someone is living there or cares for the property?
5) Once I have purchased the property, do I have to wait for the quiet action deed before I can look inside, change locks, etc.?
Any real help I can get would be appreciated.
Questions about purchasing tax delinquent properties in Alabama.?
Your attorney will be able to answer all these questions. In many cases, all you are doing is paying back taxes on the property and you have very few rights to the property. If someone is living there, you can use a lawyer to put a lien on the property and possibly their income. However, these laws are different all over the country. Be sure you get all the straight answers before you put your money on something that could be a black hole.
Questions about purchasing tax delinquent properties in Alabama.?
If you plan on purchaseing the property right after the sale to the state be forwarned that there is a 3 year redemtion period that the original owners can come back and get the property. If you are looking to purchase a property for a home it is best to look at property that has been for sale by the state for over 3 years. If the property is over three years and once you pay for the property and receive the Tax Deed you can take a deeper look into the property. Of course I would not recommend buying a property with someone already living in it. Alot of legal hassels could come from it. You do not get keys to the property. And their are no warranties to the Deed. You need to get title insurance on the property to secure your deed. Also, I do not recommend making any great financial investment into the property until you have secured a title policy.