I've found a million and one ways on how to pick the tubular lock with a lock pick. Here's the thing, I actually own the machine and have the keys. I'm not breaking into it. I simply want the take the old lock out and replace it with a new one. I don't want to drill it or anything...just pop it out. Help please!!!
I own a vending machine but want to change the lock on it. How do you pop out the old lock w/out damaging it?
What kind of machine? On a typical T-Handle vending lock you will notice a little nipple that moves towards the center of the cylinder when you turn the key...thus allowing to lock to open and the spring to pop the T-Handle out. Now with the machine unlocked and the T-Handle pulled as far forward as possible, find the nipple, turn the key all the way to the unlock position while pushing down on the nipple with a small screwdriver. The lock should slide forward and out as soon as you push it far enough in. To install the new lock just do the reverse...push it into position while you're holding the key to the unlock position and push the nipple in with a screwdriver while sliding the lock in.