Husband and I are seperated and I think he comes over via the garage doors. I do not have money to spare for changing the locks .I want to prevent him from taking things out without my knowledge. Thanks
How can I prevent my garage door from opening without having to go through the trouble of changing the locks?
if it has an electric garage door opener just unplug it. if not get a couple pairs of vice grips and clamp them tight as possible to the tracks on the inside just above top roller so the roller will hit them .also you maybe be able to get a large bolt and nut ( if there is a hole in the tracks some do) and put it throught the track so the end is over the roller so it wont be able to open
How can I prevent my garage door from opening without having to go through the trouble of changing the locks?
If it's an overhead gargage door (like for a carbay), most have a lock feature that you can activate. On the keypad near your inside door where you can press the large white button to open the door, there is usually a smaller button with a picture of a lock on it. Press this and the door will not work remotely. Now it won't work with your remote either, so you may have to enter through your front door and then open the garage door from inside to park your car. Then relock the door to prevent your ex from opening it. This could get to be a hassle real quick, but it should work.
Tio's got it Pretty dead on, you can also put a pad lock through the track where the wheels travel so the door won't open.
If it is a regular lock that you use a key in, then break off short pieces of toothpick and jam them into the key hole. Do not use long pieces as it might be easy to remove them. Lots of short pieces. Of course when it is time to rekey it you might as well buy a new lock.