Friday, September 23, 2011

Sheriff coming to evict, but the person listed as plantiff/owner does not own property anymore?

The person listed as the plaintiff/owner of this property in a UD case that got a default judgment because he never served us papers, has the sheriff coming in 5 days. He got the judgment either a few days before or possibly more likely after escrow closed and property transferred to new owners

The new owners state they know nothing of this and will not be apart of it

So when the sheriff shows up to evict me, I will show him dated papers that the property was sold and to whom. There also SHOULD be a rep on site from the new owners that will state the plaintiff listed is no longer the owner. I cant see how the sheriff can let the non-owner change locks on an apartment he doesn't own.

That should work correct?

Is there anything else I can say/do/have to help?

Sheriff coming to evict, but the person listed as plantiff/owner does not own property anymore?
You have it covered. The original plaintiff has no standing

And don't wait for the Sheriff to come out. Call his office, perhaps fax the information over.
Sheriff coming to evict, but the person listed as plantiff/owner does not own property anymore?
that's all well and good except for ONE thing.... the new owner is not legally bound to abide by any lease agreement you might have been under or ANY kind of rental agreement by the original owner and can, therefore evict you for ANY reason - - simply because he is the new owner of the building.... this is true because it happened to me once. my duplex was sold and I was told by original owner that I could stay... new owner took possession and wanted me out to rent my half of the house to a family member of his own... and legally I had no recourse and had to vacate... so you may not get to stay no matter what you do...
My goal is not to stay, I planned on moving anyway. But not in 5 days. 2 of which are now gone. I cant uproot in 5 days with no place to go yet!
No matter what the outcome, you must be given 15 to 30 days to find a new place of residence. You seem to be a victim here so you have rights. I would think of suing the %26quot;Default Owner%26quot; of any moving and hardship costs. I would contact your county court house and ask about options you may have on this matter.
All wrong!

You go to the court house.

Go before the same judge.

Have it set aside.

The sheriff must follow an order from the court.

Should I take him back or just move on?

Ok I have been with my man for 5 years now.We have 2 kids together,and for the past 2 years he has been treating me very bad.He would make me cry on a daily basis and would leave me and the kids whenever he wanted to go out(sometimes for 3 days)! And I finally found out that he was seeing one of his ex lovers during these times he would leave us,but because I loved him so much I forgave him and took him back and still he just kept leaving us repeatedly almost on a weekly basis,and when he was finished he would call me crying and begging to come back.Well I promised my self that I would not tolerate any of his crap anymore after the new year if he didnt change then I was finished with him.And sure day after the new year he decided to leave again and not come back until the next day,but when he came back.... he came back to changed locks on the doors.Anyways,I recently met a really nice guy and he asked me out to dinner last night and I went.Well my ex has been calling me nonstop crying and begging to come back as usual,but he had no idea I was out on a date.Well I put my phone on silent,but some how when he was calling the %26quot;talk%26quot; button was accidently pushed and he was on the phone for 23 minutes and heard me with this guy just laughing and having a good time.Well when I checked my voicemail after the date It was full,and they were all from him,screaming and crying! I called him asking what his problem was and his dad told me he had to take him to the ER...because my ex couldnt breathe right and he was shaking so bad.I went to the ER and he looked like he was ready to die!well I guess it was because he heard me with this other man and just lost it. He never thought i would be able to move on,he always thought that I would just be waiting for him to come home like I always did,but I guess it was just too over whelming for him.Anyways,I need advice because he said that this was a wake up call for him and that he learned his lesson and he will never hurt me again.However,Im not too convinced and would hate to make the wrong decision again.So,does anyone think its possible that this could have %26quot;made him see the light%26quot;? Or should i just move forward and let him go?
Should I take him back or just move on?
I would say no but, dam, an ER trip is not so clear.

What I would do, just to be on the safe side - is to remain apart for a while.

As unclear as it is now, you will probably be able to answer this question yourself, if you give it some time for thought.

Only you know what's best. Take some time to figure it out.

And, congrats on the date. If you like him, don't stop seeing him. Remain open to all possibilities!
Should I take him back or just move on?
I'm so sorry you are in that position, but you should always trust your intuition. What does your gut tell you? Do you truly believe that he is being honest with you, can you honestly believe that he will never hurt you again. Food for thought if you do forgive him, believe me you will not forget. Will you be able to trust him when he is out, will you be checking his cell phone or snooping around in his e-mail accounts? Sometimes it is better to just move on, what is done is done.
Sadly, he's not worth it. You'll literally spend your life asking these questions. And one day, we'll turn on the TV and find you on %26quot;Snapped.%26quot; So, let him go. I know it's a painful thing to do. You will get over him and you will be happy. you have to love yourself and your 2 kids enough to put toxic people out of your life. This kind of man would teach your children all the wrong life lessons. Think about your self worth. You deserve better.
I did the ER trick (yes, trick) on my ex. Not like you could really trick the doctors, but I pushed myself into this kind of mental state almost on purpose. I felt outraged by what he did, so yeah, my breathing was kind of like that too and the rest of stuff. I also wanted him to feel really really bad by what he did to me. 51% true, 49% manipulation, I admit. mind you, I've done wrog by him too. I also wanted to see if there is any love in his eyes when he visits me. There was calm understanding but no love.

Well I'm not him, and he is not me. Your stuation may be completely different. But don't rule out the possibility of acting and manipulating.
forgive him and be on talking terms but NO u do not want to date or marry such a guy.
Well, you know him better than anyone. Do you think he's even capable of changing? If yes, give him one more chance. Just one. Otherwise, tell him he had his chance and he blew it.

You should also take your feelings into consideration, do you still love him?

The whole ER thing is kinda dramatic, don't you think?

If it were me, I'd give him one last chance. You've already shown him that you aren't afraid to let him go. Maybe he has woken up.
Don't take him back. What you describe isn't a natural reaction at all. He has issues that run far deeper than anything you can help him with. People break up all the time - ask him why his breakups make him turn into a sobbing wreck. No, there is something wrong here. My wife had an affair once and actually moved out, and I felt bad for about a week before I quit feeling sorry for myself. Screaming and crying won't cut it for you, will it? I bet not.
from what you have described he is a bit of a smuck! but you obviously love him.... I would not recommend you let him back so easily, make him work for your trust again! play hard to get...

I know that a man can change, espeially once we have lost what we take for granted... but he sure is used to you giving in to his lack of commitment....

I think you should wait to see the change, FIRST! And just allow him to spend time with your kids...
Let him go and move on with your life....

You don't need a yo-yo relationship.

Find someone who deserves you for who you are.
NO easy decision but I think for kids sake I would give him a chance BUT on strict conditions ( like job probation). I would not allow him to move back and tell him he has to live somewhere else until he starts to act like a Man. Then slowly monitor his progress as this is not good for you or the kids. Instability is terrible for kids. Some conditions he has to accept..etc you add more...

1. He has to Cut all contact with x-lovers

2. He has to be home daily with family and focus on you and the kids


You have to be firm through this and think of the impact on your children.
He's a child and you will never break this cycle with this guy . Do what you know is best for you . By the way i'm not buying the whole phone was accidental on bit hahaha. That was cold



WTF??? Ummm...NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well for me, forgiveness is something you give someone who made a terrible mistake. not 4 million terrible mistakes. sorry honey. I don't think your zebra can change his stripes.
What happens with people like him is that when they get a shock like this they probably change like for a couple of months or so (longer than expected of course) but then they go back to their ways because that is the way they are and that is WHO HE IS. Certain things can be changed, but be certain the whole and the main %26quot;him%26quot; cannot and will not change. Besides, he didn't do it in years so I am sure he won't be able to do it permanently even if he thinks so now (he will just change his mind later down the road)..... don't keep fooling yourself, especially if you find someone else that is the way you want and the way you deserve...... oh and leave things CLEAR though, you can't cut him out completely and never will be able to because you 2 already have children together, however, make it clear that its over = its over for real. He can see the children, but do not let him take advantage of that to be an obstacle in your way to happiness, because he obviously will take advantage of it. So if you decide this be sure to tell him strong and clear that its over for good, which means forever. If you don't do that, he might not live there but he will still bring problems/worries and more; if I was you I would want to get rid of all that crap. A partner is supposed to give you happiness not UNhappiness and worries and crap like this.

%26quot; So,does anyone think its possible that this could have %26quot;made him see the light%26quot;? %26quot;

Short answer: sure he saw some light, but that light will not change who he already is. Though he might be %26quot;in shock%26quot; and wanting to prove himself that he is still %26quot;in control%26quot; by getting his wishes on silver plater once again. And of course this is natural for someone like this when they see what they think belongs to them does not.

You are your own boss and you decide what you want for yourself.

I guess women can be very emotional...... if this was me and a woman does some of this crap to me just once that's it..... and I am a nice guy, but when others are not nice to me things change on my side as well. He asked for it..... and you had to endure that for 2 years..... I mean his reaction isn't really as shocking as the fact you are thinking about coming back to this once again....... makes me wonder how the hell can some women love someone that clearly enough DOES NOT LOVE / TREAT THEM LIKE THEY DESERVE ...... yeah love love.... whatever if HE felt the same he wouldn't have done those things without much mercy, you didn't do those things to him I am sure about that....... clearly what I call a 1-sided relationship.

Well, good luck for you. I just hope you can take care of yourself and the children financially without any need of him money-wise. And my final opinion, what I think, it is simple: I don't think you can achieve real happiness with this guy, so if you want that I would think about it. And whatever your decision is don't let him manipulate you with his crying and crap...... I would make it clear that the father-sons relationship with the kids is there and will always be, but the one with you won't ever be again...... if this seems too hard then think again about all he did to you; I am sure those things weren't hard for him to do, so why would this be hard for you? Love? No, sounds more like masochism to me...... sorry but I am saying what I think....... It is about time both (you and him) get what each deserves, but the final decision is all yours don't let me decide for you either, this is just my honest opinion-based advice. Just be sure you think with a clear head, that is without emotions getting in the way of reason.

My sincere best wishes for you.

How can i get my so called hubby getting his stuff out?

how can i get my so called hubby getting his stuff out and stop him from bring his s*)(er in to my house after telling him not to .can't change lock for a while help getting to stag to some one getting thmped
How can i get my so called hubby getting his stuff out?
I'd tell him take ur Sh*t out of here! U are a women, Do it for you and women kind!
How can i get my so called hubby getting his stuff out?
Take your stuff out and leave him 1st!
er love! how much vodka u been on tonight?
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  • How long until we get evicted?

    How long till we get evicted? We live in California i am asking for my mom which she is the one that wants to know. We have a hard time paying the rent as the rent has increased over the last few months to the point that we have to give 2 payments with a late fee. Well we have not paid one month and we have a land lord saying that they want to evict us and want us to, leave that if we don't leave in one month she is going to the change locks to our home. Now how is that legal? what can i do we can't just move cause that would be more costly but we do pay if not on time just a little late we never let ourselves owe more then one payment.

    But to this land lord that is so immature for her telling us to get a job and be lazy what can we do, can i report her for being so mean to us when we try our best to pay the rent and always pay it a little late.

    she did give us a 30 day notice to pay or get out and we paid january. now its a couple of days and now she is saying pay february or i will cange the locks

    what can be done to stop her form harrasing us? i know one would be move out, but we do pay just not always on time, a week later or a couple of days later.

    what can i do legally to stop her from evicting us if we pay ?
    How long until we get evicted?
    You need to be current on your rent....that's what you agreed to...the landlord has other obligations and needs to count on rent payments on time.
    How long until we get evicted?
    if you are late landlord has legal right to evict. if you are late with rent or don't pay rent the landlord can evict by law. see your lease for more details other then that its calif state law. Sorry about your dilemma.

    it takes about 30 days to be evicted depending on how fast landlord can get you into court. If you can avoid the process server some times you can buy an extra week or so. also when you go into court if you say you don't owe the rent to the judge he will set a court date for trial that gives you another 3 weeks or a month. So you might get 2 months of free rent out of the landlord. This is what we call professional tenants that fight the landlords to get more free time. I always hated these tenants but its all part of having your day in court.

    The changing the locks issue is illegal until she has a writ you may inform her of that and that you will get into your unit how ever you have to! and call police to have a restraining order placed on her if she doesn't evict you through a court.

    Make sure you trash her apt on the way out, lol just kidding really try to get it in decent shape so they don't hit you with damages too. Good luck
    If you pay the rent plus the late fees she can't evict you. She can choose not to renew the lease but not evict.

    She is NOT allowed to change the locks. she will get in a HUGE world of trouble if she does that. You can contact your local housing authority if it get that far.

    For the harassment, really there is nothing to do short of you moving out, like you said. She is a creditor and you owe her the money.

    The best thing is to do everything possible to pay the rent on time. Good Luck!
    There are (in place) rules for harassment. Go to Court and ask for an interim injunction, estopping your Landlord/Landlady/Friends/Agents/Servant鈥?from interfering with your right to freely enjoy the lawful (and peaceful) occupation of the property. Pay your rent (or whatever you can manage) into the Court's Funds Office and obtain a receipt, weekly or fortnightly. Anybody comes near your home (and right now it is your home) - call the Police and explain that there is an ongoing civil dispute and that you (and your family) are being threatened. In conclusion, write your Landlord(s) - by Recorded Delivery letter - a 'letter before action' and let them know that you are taking legal action, following their conduct.
    Helo El Loco - Is LandLord the %26quot;self-help,%26quot; lock-out type?? Get Help! Does LL %26quot;emergency%26quot; key allow entry when-ever? %26quot;Late fee%26quot; is 4 self storage units! If its illegal U need 2 prove it. Is there low-cost legal help? Is it safe place? Sell what U can %26amp; pay what U owe. Negotiate rent U can afford. Get Housing subsidy! U can get evicted 4 missing court. Dont fool w/ proces server / sherif. Ask 4 time 2 pay or move.
    L Loco Land lord is an @$$ ! Do U feel safe there? MOVE

    Christan duty?

    Our family gave their all money machines time and talent to help a young Christan start his new company.

    When I came in today I found he was less than truthful he tried to sell thing that were broken to people we were trying to bring to God he lied about his finances so he got more from us. His pastor would say we needed to give more give tell hurts and then some. God made sure our family ate and is clothes he made sure we have a place to lay our heads. God has cared for us Today I had to change locks on the office to keep this person and his friends out so that we can have needed things to work safe.

    and yet I feel I never did my Christan duty to this person ..

    I never showed a better way to live and better way to work with others. I lack showing honest and how it is important I lack the

    time to spend with this person because he %26quot;does not women%26quot; in business.

    Our we wrong not to feel anything for this person and pastor
    Christan duty?
    God was just teaching you a great big lesson of life. Learn from it. God is your provider, and guess what, God is his provider too. When Jesus came to earth, what did He do for poor people? Give them money? No, read the Bible it says He preached the gospel to them. Why because when people do as God directs (see the end of 2 Cor 6) God becomes their provider,protector and leader and will provide for them and protect them and lead them. Just as He does for you. Then you will not be out on a limb when someone turns out to be a con-artist.

    I think the best thing you can do for some one like that is to work with them for their spiritual growth and watch with them as God provides for them.
    Christan duty?
    No. Helping dishonest people is not anybody's Christian duty.

    You got dealt some non-Christian doody.
    It's not your job to guide someone who doesn't ask for guidance. He asked for money and you gave, you fulfilled your duties completely. He did not ask for a way to live a better life. Until he does so you don't have to.
    sound like a bunch of scumbags, don't let the christian tag fool you into thinking people are good or honest
    If you can teach him, then try. But if he is just trying to scam you then I would protect what is yours and let him know why. You can show God's love through correction. Isn't that our parents did when they disciplined us as children? Also, God disciplines us as well.
    The shame is on him, not on you. If a person lies or cheats and uses a giving heart, believe me, they will pay for it one way or another.

    Do not keep giving to someone who has deceived you. Pray for them, yes, but there is no Christian duty that calls us to be foolish and enable another to cheat us.
    I think god failed to give you punctuation, proof reading, and spell check skills.

    Don't you find it amazing that god NEEDS you to give away all of your money? Isn't it more amazing that you blame your self for not being a better victim.

    I think it would be prudent to file a lawsuit and bring criminal charges against this %26quot;young christian%26quot; and his church. But I bet god won't let you do that.

    Wake up now, or I'll see you at the homeless shelter.

    I bet you didn't know that 92% of the scams on the internet are perpitrated by people claiming to be christian. They claim to be christian because they know that many christains are easily fooled and are predisposed to taking things on %26quot;faith%26quot; and will believe anything another christian tells them.
    they have a word for people like you, its called: PIGEON

    why don't you go help some nigerians get money out of thier banks.

    it is your christian duty to respond to these emails they send you and give money.
    Forget about the pastor. But you need to show the right way in doing things to the guy. He cant go around cheating others.

    Anyone know how to change a lock on a upvc door as we've lost the only key.?

    The key has gone walk abouts by one of the children and we have brought a replacement lock but then we have been told we need the key to change the lock... any other way? ... without payinga locksmiths as e just can't afford to right now.

    Thanks in anticipation.
    Anyone know how to change a lock on a upvc door as we've lost the only key.?
    If you can get the door open, you don't need a key to change the lock. It should come apart with an ordinary screwdriver. Start by removing knobs - there will be a slot on the inside knob that if you push a small screwdriver into it it will slip off the barrel. That will allow you to remove the entire barrel from the outside. Then you can remove the strike. Or, if you purchase the same brand lock, you may be able to re-use the strike.

    If this is a deadlock, you may have one-way screws on the inside - there is a tool to remove them that any big-box or locksmith will sell you - it is NOT a controlled tool. Same process. Remove the thumb or key-bolt from the inside and then the lock will come apart.

    Good luck with it. Store a key in a high place. And don't label the keys on your ring.
    Anyone know how to change a lock on a upvc door as we've lost the only key.?
    You will need to get a new barrel. I don't know if you can buy them - when our lock seized up the man who fitted the doors brought out a new barrel with a couple of keys. It only took 5 minutes. Ring a local double-glazing firm and enquire.
    Look in yellow pages or your local paper for a upvc window and door hinge and lock repair man
    You don't need the key to change the lock. you would need the key to rekey the lock. meaning changing the lock to accept a different key.
    To remove barrel from door you need key to turn swing arm Straight,without key you need to drill hole where key goes,use sharp bit,drill out,remove barrel,fit new,easy?

    If not get locksmith in!

    Hubby scaring me w/ mixed messages?Why?

    I am 21 yrs old still in college work part time and hubby is 25 yrs old works for insurance company only been married 3.7 months he filed for divorce.Long story short we took 4 month break before marriage i had a fling and got married unaware i was pregnant w/ child. I told him he org. said he forgave me then 2 weeks later he moved out talking 90% of furniture w/him and severed all contact filed for divorce.Then about a week ago he calls me starts fights about when/how to put house up for sale.The next day he starts call for details about what happened with my what his name is ect tells me i am a whore and he hates me.Yesterday while i was in the shower he came home and proceeded to try and join me(agressivley) i threw him out threatened call police.This morning i wake up to him coming into our bedroom saying he loves me wants me back?It almost turned into a physical fight.Whats going on in his head?Am i beeing to drastic if i change locks and go stay else where?
    Hubby scaring me w/ mixed messages?Why?
    you brought this all on yourself. t

    no i am not excusing him from physically hurting you, but you are a married woman and just because you guys took a break, does not give you the green light to go arounding humping other men.

    have you ever heard that men can't handle the truth, i would have never told him i slept with an ex bf. even if he does forgive you he will never forget. he is always going want details about the affair and i would not be surprise if he cheats on you.
    Hubby scaring me w/ mixed messages?Why?
    That's quite the mess you've gotten youreslf into.
    How many times are you going to ask this same question? Why would your %26quot;hubby%26quot; want to stay someone who cheated on him during your %26quot;break%26quot; and then raise some other jerks kid?

    I think he was just hoping to humiliate you through sex. Don't go away mad, just go away!
    He loves you, he is just DEEPLY hurt about what happened with your ex. He will never be able to get over it. Because he can't erase what happened he will always hold resentment towards you. Cut your losses and save each other the heartache.
    No, you aren't being too drastic. That's quite a mess...GET OUT while you still can and start thinking about your child!
    He keeps trying to rape you! I think you're INSANE if you *don't* change your locks and file for a restraining order! Start calling the cops every. single. time. he comes to your house.
    Sounds like he is crazy. Get a restraining order.
    Your husband is not crazy - the whole incident TRULY fcuked him up psychologically/spiritually/emotionally and he doesn't know how to cope with what happend sis. I feel bad that you did that to him and I would probably skiitz the F* out if I was in his shoes too!! You don't EVEN know! However, the fact remains and you need to take full responsibility of what happend.

    If you must, separate from him and stop talking to him.

    Or you two should try marriage counseling (a good one!) and try to see if u can fix it from there. If not, move forward and like an iceberg stand firm, this is the consequence of your actions - face them, that's the only way you can truly learn and get the best benefit from a bad situation.
    Holy crap dude!!! I'm not touching this one...

    This hasd Jerry Springer written all over it!!
    He's torn within himself. He loves you and hates you at the same time. He loves the woman he fell in love with but hates the woman he married who is pregnant with another man's child. You brought this on yourself and I have to say, you don't sound that broken up by what you've done. I'm sure there is more to the story, and I don't need to hear it all, but you cheated and that's bad enough. Men don't take cheating as well as women. But to be having the other man's child, I don't know one man that would stay married to a woman and be forced to watch her belly grown with another man's child. Wow, no wonder the poor smuck is going nuts. He doesn't know whether to s.hit or go blind. But I tell you this, he also could very easily hurt you. His emotions are out of control and he could be of the mind set that %26quot;if he can't have you no one will%26quot; and kill you, the unborn child and them himself. Seriously. So either hurry and sever the ties, sell the house, whatever you have to do, but let the man go. IF at some point he thinks he can deal with things, he may want you back. But you need to deal with some things on your own. Cheating is never the answer. Good luck.
    Men have very big egos, meaning they can do to you what you can never do to them (have a fling). If your husband wants a divorce give him one. Don't under any circumstances discuss the details of what went on between you and your ex. It will only make matters worst. Your husband will never be able to forgive you, every time he looks at that baby he will be reminded of your infidelity, so the question is, are you willing the live with the physical and verbal abuse.

    One of my closet friends needs help and so do i?

    i would like to know how i can help out one of my friends this friend is the one who brings home the bacon if you get the drift then the other resident has no job and they have threated to change locks on this indivadual but start having disargreements on one being the cause of the other i am worried my friend is really getting sick from the other i need any help and advice that can be given to aid i have never myself be in this sistuion but would like to help out but how would i do that i told this person they need to give options and stick to them was i wrong in this or was i correct please advice needed
    One of my closet friends needs help and so do i?
    If you want to be really involved, sit down with her privately and tell her how you feel. On the other hand, you could be involving yourself in a very volatile situation. It's up to you, but speaking from experience, I'd stay clear of it.
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  • What do i do about stalking ex who has tapped into my Myspace account?

    i ended an abusive relationship with my childrens father of 11 years in Otober of 2006, he's not taking it too well and is harrasing the hell out of me. he's stalking me! he broke into my apartment (while i was there but unaware) and stole a sheet of paper that contained all of my email account and passwords. in that same night he watched me shower and ran out before i was finished then the following morning left a message on my answering machine giving me details on what color scarf i had wrapped on my head while i showered(down to great detail). now he has all of my info for my computer use and is editing my Myspace page with graphic pics of new girlfriend. what do i do to get him caught for invading my account on myspace. i currently have an order of protection against him, have changed locks and phone number, but now he's messing with my account. who do i report him to on myspace and how can i prove hes the person tampering with my accounts to the police?
    What do i do about stalking ex who has tapped into my Myspace account?
    first of all report abuse on your myspace account, then delete your profile and start up a new one. as people has said, maintain everything that he say or do. EVERYTHING. this guy sounds like he has a serious mental problem. maybe it is possible that you could go to the mental health dept. and ask them what you should do. outside of going upside his dome , at this point poison i am a lost for words. violent behavior is not the solution. maintain your character and fight through this ordeal, do not let him get you caught up, that is what he is trying to do. stay strong and ask God for help, stay focused. im sorry that you have to go through this type of drama with your kids, call the domestic violence hotline and ask them for some ideas also.
    What do i do about stalking ex who has tapped into my Myspace account?
    file a restraining order asap, you dont want it to get more serious
    Dammn that's why I'm carefull of what i post

    allot of people don't know that Myspace and answers

    and any postings can be googled and give a very detailed

    view into your personality not to say that Human resource

    department do that but it is possible
    you need a restaning order. make sure you record those messages.
    unfortunately the police probably wont care about your myspace page.

    all you need to do to stop him is to either 1)erase your account, or 2)change your password. If he has changed your password and you cant get into your account, go to the Help section on myspace, and there is a way you can report this activity...apparently it happens a lot.
    Delete the account.
    Change your password! That will keep him out for now. Make sure you pick something entirely new and not on your list. Next don't keep a list. Lastly please make sure you document everything from now on, like keeping that message that he left you, etc. All of that will help you support any complaint you make against him. The only way to prove stalking is to have piles of proof.
    Immediately change your PASSWORD and report him to police anyway--hopefully you kept the message he left on your answering machine-give that to police as well.

    How to change the lock of dodge neon 2001?

    when I insert the key and turn, it feels that it is empty; there is no pressure. The doors can only be locked and opened from inside
    How to change the lock of dodge neon 2001?
    It most likely is not that lock that is bad, but rather the rod that connects the lock to the latch assembly has come loose, or the plastic retaining clip is broken. This often happens when someone tries to use a %26quot;slim jim%26quot; to break into the car.

    Take the interior door panel off, and look to see if the connecting rod is attached. If it is not, look at the retaining clip and if it is cracked, replace in. Hook the rod to the lock and you will be as good as new.

    Does the Land Lord of My new apt, have the right to the keys of BOTH Locks on my door? (New York Law)?

    I dont know if its different from state to state. But I just got an apartment. And I know the Apt I have been living in all this time, the locks have been changed a few times, for the top lock, the Building management have the bottom lock, we cant change that lock, and thats fine,

    My new Landlord asks, if I want to change the top lock, that I give him a copy of the key. Is that legal? Whats the point of having a lock change knowing someone out there has the key? If they need to get in by emergency they have the right to drill the lock. Other than that theres no reason for him to have the key in my view.

    And it was not specified in the lease, so I dont see how he can hold it against me if I refuse, but I also want to keep a good relationship.

    I was thinking about changing the lock, and giving him a fake key.

    Any advice?
    Does the Land Lord of My new apt, have the right to the keys of BOTH Locks on my door? (New York Law)?
    The law actually requires them to have a key, it is not simply their right (it is their proprety, not yours) but they have a legal obligation.

    He can, and will evict you for not providing a key.
    Does the Land Lord of My new apt, have the right to the keys of BOTH Locks on my door? (New York Law)?
    YES they do

    They are the owners of the property
    The property owner has a right to the keys.

    In fact, I'm surprised that he would let you change the locks. Most landlords (in other states) change the locks for you, and then give you a copy of the key.

    P.S. Here's the information you are looking for, answered by a New York attorney:鈥?/a>

    From that article...

    Robert Sokolski, a Manhattan lawyer who represents tenants, said that under New York State's Multiple Dwelling Law, a tenant may install one lock in place of, or in addition to, the lock provided by the landlord.

    %26quot;But the tenant must supply a duplicate key to the landlord or the landlord's agent upon request,%26quot; Mr. Sokolski said.
    Well, I'm not sure about New York but maybe you can call 911 as a non-emergency and ask if that is right or not. but i dont suggest to change it and not tell him and give him a fake key.

    Usually what sarah said is correct. but there are occasions that landlords are nice enough to change it due to previous renters.
    In California they have a right to all keys that gain entrance to the property. How they do access the property can become a legal issue.

    I understand your concern, but if you're on vacation and there is a plumbing issue and I had to get a locksmith to open the door, you will be an ex-tenant. ;)

    Have you considered renter's insurance?

    Good Luck
    I'm not sure how it works in NY. But in CA every landlord or management company has the right to have copy of the keys to the property. If you change the locks and give them a fake key thats a problem because the renter is not the owner. Also it could lead to an eviction if the landlord wants to take it that far. But just because you give him the key, he/she has no right to enter the property whenever they want. They have to give it to you in writing and notify you before they enter the property.
    Unfortunately as a renter, privacy goes out of the window. the property owner does have a right to all keys AND to enter the property at any time. Most landlords I have had are pretty respectful and don't just come and go on a whim. They usually give you a day's notice if they need to enter for inspection or maintenance, unless you have been unruly or given them reason to surprise you. I wouldn't try the fake key thing. He could decide to terminate your lease once he discovered it.
    Yes, it is legal for the landlord to have a copy of the key.

    If the landlord cannot enter in an emergency and is forced to drill out the locks, guess who pays? You!

    The landlord can hold it against you and it does not need to be specified in the lease.

    Try your little trick and you may be paying to have the locks changed
    YES- A LANDLORD MUST HAVE A KEY TO YOUR UNIT!!!!!! It is ILLEGAL to change the locks and not give them a key! They have to be able to get in case of emergency %26amp; to fix things.
    Not only do they have the right..NYS %26amp; NYC law requires the landlord to have a copy of all keys.
    The landlord has the right to have copies of all keys, if she requests them.
    Yes, they own, you rent.

    Do this to me and if I have an emergency you would learn a big lesson.

    Plus if I could not get in, you would be liable for any damages.

    Then I would call my $300.00 locksmith to redo the locks.

    Become an owner and have your own key!
    In the first place if there was an emergency he wouldn't have time to drill the lock. In all states the landlord is allowed to have keys to the rental. He can not enter any time he wants and must give you 24 hours notice. My advice, give him a key and not a fake one

    How to lock change icons like my computer icon?

    if you mean lock them in place

    Win Xp:

    right click desktop -%26gt; properties -%26gt; desktop -%26gt; customize desktop -%26gt; web -%26gt; [click on] lock desk items then ok

    other versions

    control panel -%26gt; display -%26gt; then do listed above

    Im looking to change the lock of my fiat doblo?

    i want to change the lock on my fiat doblo but dont know how to take it out, i bought a user manual but it doesnt seem any good, does anyone know how to change the lock??
    Im looking to change the lock of my fiat doblo?
    you will need to have an old key as you will need to turn the lock to remove it

    if you dont have an old one you will need to drill the stop look at the new key lock to see where the realice is
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  • Changing the locks on my car?

    I lost one of the keys to my car. It fell off my keychain somewhere, possibly outside. How much would it cost to replace the locks and get new keys? I would just feel safer knowing that someone else doesn't have a key to my car. Thanks!
    Changing the locks on my car?
    Hi, You can perchase new locks for both side at an dealer ship. The inside door pannel has to come off in order to replace them.

    You can also have the dealer do the Job. But you will still have an seperate key for starting the car unless you get the whole package done.

    Wishing you security,

    Changing the locks on my car?
    What are the chances someone found your key and now they will find your car? Maybe if you are on a small campus or a town of 300 but if it was anywhere that several people are, the chances are small.o to the dealer and have him make a new key that fits the locks or maybe you have a spare. IF you just have to have he locks changed- R U mechanical enough to remove the locks? If YES, a locksmith wont charge much to chane the tumblers and make a key that works on all locks- otherwise, it wont be cheap.

    you can change the locks on your doors, the price depends on the year and model, but on the engine engines dont have locks.
    You don't have to replace the locks on the vehicle with new ones unless they are broken. What you can do is get the locks changed to a new key by a locksmith.

    The cost can vary, but to save yourself money you (or a friend) can remove the locks from the vehicle (both doors, ignition and boot locks) and take them to a locksmith.

    This will save you the labour time cost of the locksmith removing the locks and putting them back into the vehicle.
    year/make/model/ also its cheaper to get a steering wheel lock

    Tenant-landlord laws newyork?

    Hey im looking for an apartment in upstate new york and was wondering what the tenant-landlord laws are regarding the landlord visiting the apartment. I enjoy my privacy, and i dont want some dude stoppin in to check up on stuff. Are they allowed to just barge in? Or do they need to provide notice, how much notice? Am i allowed to change locks on the front door? Bedroom doors? Closet doors? haha i know a lot to ask but this is very important to me. Thanks in advance for the advice

    ps links are always good
    Tenant-landlord laws newyork?
    New York State law requires the landlord to provide %26quot;reasonable%26quot; notice to enter. This usually mean anywhere from 12-24 hours. are not allowed to make structural changes (changing locks) to the apartment without written permission from the landlord.

    Also, NYS law REQUIRES the landlord to have a copy of all keys to a rental unit.
    Tenant-landlord laws newyork?
    No you may not change the locks. A landlord must give notice, usually 24 hours before entering the apartment, except in an emergency or if you make a repair request. They are also not allowed to visit so often they are considered a nuisance. If you are concerned you can install a hidden camera to see if they are coming in without notice.
    LL or agents authorized to act on LL's behalf must notify you of intent to enter no less than twenty-four hours before they do. If they show up without notice, you can deny entry and request they return no less than 24 hrs from that time. Exception to this being emergency situations, when prompt action may totally avert or lessen damages to the property [ie: your pipes have burst and are leaking into the unit below yours, or the pipes in the unit above have burst and are leaking into yours, or your smoke detector's been going off for a lengthy period of time].

    You can change the locks if you get the LL's permission, but you'll need to provide him with copies of any and all keys. If you're worried about people snooping, invest in some wireless webcams and a program that supports image capture when activated by motion. Most of them will let you upload any photos captured to email or web space, along storing them on your hard drive. Or put your valuables in a secure safe.
    I know that they ARE allowed to walk in whenever they want.. but they Wont. Legally they can but unless then have something to repair or you haven't payed your rent they Will not just walk into your place. As far as changing locks.. go ahead.. if they find out though they will force you to give them a copy but again.. unless they have reason to they wont bother you.. my advice.. Do your illegal stuff in a place you own.. we all know this is not about privacy
    Unless in an emergency (flood, fire, etc...), your landlord %26quot;dude%26quot; cannot enter your apartment without 24 hours notice, unless you give your permission in NY
    The %26quot;dude%26quot; is allowed entry with 24 hours notice or instantly in an %26quot;emergency.%26quot; Most leases prohibit changing any locks without permission.

    A good manager will pop by from time to time to keep an eye on things. Don't be doing anything illegal and keep the noise down and the place in reasonably good order and most landlords won't dog you out.
    They can only come in without notice if there is an emergency such as a broken water line or something that would cause damage to his property. They must give you 24 hours notice. No you can't change the locks. You can check landlord/ tenant laws for NY by typing that into your search engine.

    Is it possible to have car locks changed?

    Last night, my four roommates and I went down the street at about midnight to grab a quick bite to eat. Between that time and 12:45 when we returned, our house had been robbed. They took 2 laptops (including my brand spanking new one, of course), 3 ipods, 3 digital cameras, 3 cell phones, hundreds of dollars in cash, and 3 sets of keys, among other things. To top it off, they used one of my roommates cars for their getaway. We filed a report immediately... no sign of the car or anything yet.

    Anyway, back to my question. One of the sets of keys contained my spare car key. I am obviously very afraid that they could come back for my car next. I bought a club for the steering wheel today, and moved the car about a mile from here. Well, this will work for now, but I can't park a mile from my house forever. Does anyone know if it's possible to have a dealer or locksmith change the key locks to the car? How much would something like that cost? I can't break the bank... I had over $2000 worth of stuff stolen that needs replaced. The car is a 2002 Hyundai Elantra, if that helps. Thanks for any help or advice!
    Is it possible to have car locks changed?
    man that sucks.. but yes the dealer can change the locks.. sometimes the insurance company will pay for it since they stole your keys too.. don't forget to change the locks on the house too
    Is it possible to have car locks changed?
    It can be done by the dealer but it's going to cost (I don't know how much for sure).
    yes. you can go to the dealer and have it done
    just change the ignition lock assembly/you need 2 kets after that but its much cheaper that way/watch out for the guy waiting a month for you to replace the stuff and he comes back for the new/by the way its usually somebody that has been in the place/a so called friend/who else knew the stash?
    sure the locks can be changed, you will have to order a new set of locks for it at the dealer and have them installed, price?, you will have to ask the dealer.

    I have a Rant Samsung and i want to change my lock number but i dont know how?

    Everyone knows its the last 4 digets in my number and i want to change it
    I have a Rant Samsung and i want to change my lock number but i dont know how?
    select the button that is a house then press menu ok then settings then more then secutiry enter lock code select change lock code enter new code press next left soft key then reneter your new lock code and press done left soft key

    How to change ignition lock if key will not turn?

    2000 cadillac deville ignition key will not turn I have new lock to install but have been unable to get old one out how can i get lock to turn for removal
    How to change ignition lock if key will not turn?
    On ours 99 SLS we removed the housing around the steering wheel, to get access to the chuck and there is a pin in the far back of the chuck, my wife found it, she fiddled with it and the chuck and it came out. It took some womanly finessing.
    How to change ignition lock if key will not turn?
    A good locksmith might be willing to loan or rent you their professional lock removing tool.

    Failing that see if AAA can offer assistance.
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  • Can I not charge for lock change?

    So I met with this woman yesterday and she signed a 9-month lease, gave me the check for first and security deposit. I cashed it and I'm waiting for it to go through. Today she calls and says that she miscalculated and won't be able to move-in and she's out of money. She wants me to return the money. Fine I say but I'll charge you for changing the locks. Now she's going on about how she's %26quot;trustworthy%26quot; and need all of the money and I don't have to change the locks.

    What do you answer to that?
    Can I not charge for lock change?
    Personally, I would hold her to the lease she signed and not return a thing. I would also remind her that she is legally obligated for the full term of the lease or until you find a new tenant.
    Can I not charge for lock change?
    The lock change issue is actually immaterial because she is breaking the lease with out any notice and should not get ANY money back!!

    A lease is legally binding the minute it is signed and she CANNOT just cancel it! It does not matter if she never moved in. When a tenant brakes a lease, they typically lose their deposit, same for if they do not give proper notice.

    If she stops payment on those checks or if they bounce you can sue her for it.

    This is not being a jerk- it is enforcing the law!! Renting is a business and you cannot take it emotionally. If you let everyone off the hook you will just lose money. It is in your best interests to learn the landlord tenant laws so tenants do not try to take advantage of you.
    I would give her all her money back minus the lock money. And I would change the locks. Better safe than sorry. There is a 3 day cool off law. which gives a person three days to change their mind on a personal purchase made in a home. but, it doesn't apply here, when she signed your lease it null and voided that 3 day rule.

    So you have every right to change your locks with the money she left.
    I would charge the change of lock fee, unfortunately. I say unfortunately because as much as I would like to think someone was trustworthy you just can't take that chance these days. You owe it to the new tenants that you will put in there.
    Sometimes you just have to follow your gut. If you %26quot;feel%26quot; she is trustworthy, give her her money back. If you have a bad feeling in your gut, change the locks and charge her for it.
    Your obligation now is to your next tenant and their saftey. Change the locks and deduct the fee before refunding her money. Put every transaction in writing and certified mail.
    I'd say, too bad and change the locks...
    TOUGH. You can definitely charge her for the lock change regardless whether she's the Pope.

    She signed a lease and paid a deposit and is LEGALLY bound for 9 months. What is with a 9 month lease??? Until you have re-rented the apartment, you don't return anything to her. There is NO 3 day right of rescission, she is legally liable for 9 months rent to you!!! She has no legal right to change her mind, run out of money.

    DON't return ANY of her money yet, as it might clear and then bounce and you'd be out--she could be a scammer. I just had a check returned that was cashed months ago, and had a tenant check from July (cashed end of August) bounce.
    Before I answer this question, I wanted to state there are A LOT of scams going on now in real estate, and this may be a new one. To give you an example, some people actually pose as Realtors inside of properties for rent, advertise that it is half of what the normal rent is (If normal rent is $1,000 they may say the rent is only $500) and take as much money as they can from a tenant who thinks they are getting a steal of a deal. Of course, when it comes time for the tenant to get their keys, the Realtor is nowhere to be found. With all of these people out here trying to make a quick buck, you never know who you can trust or not. For all you know, she may think your too stupid to change the locks- and perhaps she's made an extra copy of the keys to bugularize your next tenant!

    Now to address your original question:

    You may contact a real estate attorney and find out what the laws are in the state you live, but I believe a renter has just a certain window of time before they can back out of a signed contractual agreement. It varies from state to state, but for your information - it may be interesting to know.

    I've had several tenants over the years, and they always have something to say. So, I would tell the woman something along the lines of:

    %26quot;It's nothing personal, just business. I'm not in the business to make friends, I'm in the business to make money. I gave you keys to the rental, and for all I know - you could have made copies to pass out to anybody. I have nothing but your word to go by, and I don't know you. And since I am not coming out of pocket for the change of locks, I am afraid I am going to take it out of your deposit. I have to do this for financial and safety reasons. Here is a reciept for the lock I purchased that is of equal value to the one I have installed now, and here is your check for the difference.%26quot;

    If she wants to sue you over less than $50 bucks, then tell her to knock herself out.

    But also, I would learn from this experience. From now on, put in your lease agreement if the tenant terminates the agreement in 48 hours or less, you will deduct $50 dollars (or whatever the price is) for a lock change.

    This way, there will be no misunderstandings in the future.

    Also, I wanted to add that it is always best not to trust anyone when it comes to business. I know this because I am an extremely trusting person, and if I had a dollar for every time I was screwed over by a tenant, contractor, another fellow investor or a Realtor - I could retire from the real estate business. Some of the people I got screwed over by I had GREAT feelings about, others I gave them the benefit of the doubt anyway. The bottom line is she signed an agreement, and in exchange for that agreement you gave her the keys to your house. You trusted her as far as the money went, now she wants her money back. And I think she needs to suffer the consequence of wasting your time, energy and gas showing the property, filling out the contract, depositing the money and now refunding the money. That is a lot of B.S. to go through for someone just to say, %26quot;Oh, I don't want it anymore!%26quot; and telling you to lump it on the lock change. She is lucky you aren't a jerk, and upholding her to the agreement she signed. If you wanted to, you could hold on to the first months rent and depost, plus take her to court for defaulting on the lease. So, you are already being nice as it is, no need to go overboard.

    Good luck!

    How do get to your belongings after ur sublessor from an illegal sublease & their landlord changed the locks?

    Calling the cops is no solution as it will put you in an irretrievable position. The best way is to accept mistake and appeal to the good reason of landlord for return of belongings.
    How do get to your belongings after ur sublessor from an illegal sublease %26amp; their landlord changed the locks?
    Call the cops...
    How do get to your belongings after ur sublessor from an illegal sublease %26amp; their landlord changed the locks?
    you don't

    How do I change my lock combination?

    I have a lock that looks like this;displaynav=%26amp;sub_cat_id=D1534%26amp;template=style it's a password lock. There's rotating things with letters and numbers. I know my current password but want to change it. How?!
    How do I change my lock combination?
    This should work:

    1. Open the lock.

    2. Rotate the shackle 180 degrees so that it is parallel with the body of the lock -- just as though you were about to close it, but with the shackle facing the wrong way.

    3. Push the shackle in, as though you were closing lock.

    4. Hold it in and set the new combination. (On some models, you will not have to hold the shackle in place.)

    5. Release the shackle. (Or, if you did not have to hold it in, pull it up.)

    The new combination should now be set. As with all such products, test it before locking it onto an item.

    Hopefully, you've successfully reset the lock combination!

    HELP! How to change a lock on a car?

    My boyfriend needs help changing a door handle and lock on a '87 hardbody Nissan pickup truck. Does anybody know what the hell he's talking about? Guys?
    HELP! How to change a lock on a car?
    He has to take the door panel off on the inside to remove the handle, lock assy. don't forget to put the locking clips back on.
    HELP! How to change a lock on a car?
    yes what does he need to know?

    How much does it cost to change a lock?

    just a front door lock - pvc front door, yale key.
    How much does it cost to change a lock?
    Handey Randey is right. If you own a screwdriver you can DIY. All you need to buy is a replacement cylinder (not the whole lock). New keys come with it together with instructions. No skill is needed. Get a Yale again as they are the best quality. Go to DIY store not a locksmith who will want your hard earned cash.
    How much does it cost to change a lock?
    I think it's quite a bit of money. It cost my mum loads.
    About $15.00 for the lock give or take a buck or two!
    depends on where it is and who does it.... try you local yellow pages :) wait until business hours tho or it may cost more for a waking-me-up-fee
    Just do it yourself. IT'S EASY. Just follow directions that come with the new lockset.
    Check you house insurance policy. Many insurers will pay for replacement locks if say, you have lost a set of keys and therefore have compromised your home's security. Also, the policy often insists on locks of a certain security standard so don't be tempted to skimp on this otherwise they may not pay out in the event of a claim.
    It is not extremely difficult to change out a door lock yourself. The cost then depends on what you replace it with. Lockets vary broadly in style, material and finish, but to avoid red-rimmed anything, you may want to stick with something similar to the old one.
    1 k
    Cost - about 拢7.00 and about 5 mins of your time....鈥?/a>


    2) How to change a euro cylinder?
    Its probably a euro lock. Look on the edge of the door and there should be a phillips screw that goes into the door and through the lock. Undo this screw (its a long bolt) and then put your key in the lock. Turn it a little and the euro lock should just pull out. Measure it ( should be about 70mm)and go to a locksmiths and get another. Then replace it.
    If you have an espagnolette lock (multi-point lock, runs the whole length of the door) then this can be very expensive to replace, but you likely only need to replace the cylinder (the part that you put your key into).

    Be VERY careful about replacing a lock with something cheap from a DIY store, as they may not be of a high enough standard for your house to be insured properly, and although it is highly unlikely, if you were burgled and had insufficient security relative to your insurance, they may not pay out.

    A new cylinder shouldn't come to much, under 拢20 depending on the quality. This is very easy to replace and you should definitely try to do it yourself. If you need the whole lock replacing you will need to ask a specialist locksmith as they will need to measure and check compatibility and you could be looking at well over 拢100.
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  • How do you block a deadbolt?

    Someone has the key to my house, and there is no place open right now to change the locks. Is there a way to keep them from coming in with a key until I can get the locks changed?
    How do you block a deadbolt?
    if the door opens out pull a shoe string out of shoes and bring a chair to door lock and tie knot to chair and lock handle turn knob .if door opens in prop chair against handle knob so it cant be opened keep cell phone close dont be afraid to call 911 if you hear door being tampered with
    How do you block a deadbolt?
    a few things you can do...the easiest.....break off a small piece of a paper clip or bobby pin.

    Stick it in the lock nice and far....use something small to jam it in there.....there is no way to get it back out..... you can still lock it from the inside but a kay will not work in the lock.......let him try and try he will NEVER get it unlocked.....
    you can put super glue in both of the keyholes that is a guaranteed fix!! and cheap :)

    How dow i talk to my parents about not just walking in to my wife and mines house and how to be nice about it,

    i love my perents, but it keeps happenening, my parents love me and i know they mean well, but my wife dosent want people coming in going in our house, she wants them to call, she gave me four options talk to them, change locks or she leaves me or we move, how do i go about this
    How dow i talk to my parents about not just walking in to my wife and mines house and how to be nice about it,
    our family always had an open door policy, but my son-in-law didn%26#039;t like it so my daughter just told me and that solved the problem.
    How dow i talk to my parents about not just walking in to my wife and mines house and how to be nice about it,
    basically, just tell them... spouse is first now, who cares if your parents get mad... but, my guess is they will understand if you explain to them you have a married private life... remind them of this! good luck... or, is she worried they will catch her doing something she shouldn%26#039;t...??? dig a little deeper... and find out... either way, they should not walk in... and she should not be doing anything she shouldn%26#039;t... good luck...
    just tell ur parents too respect ur privacy and make sure they dont walk in just also tell them to call to make sure u are goin to be there because if they want to visit u might have plans. dont let ur parents ruin ur marriage just set guidelines
    1) Change the locks

    2) When mom and pops stop by, dont%26#039; asnwer the door

    3) When mom and pop call and say %26quot;Hey son, our key doesn%26#039;t seem to work%26quot; then you *politely* explain to them that you%26#039;ve changed the locks.

    4) When mom and pop ask %26quot;son, why did you change the locks?%26quot; *politely* explain to them that you and your wife feel more comfortable being the only people able to walk in and out of the house

    5) When mom and pop look confused and say %26quot;huh?%26quot; *politely* explain.....%26quot;Look, we love that you guys want to spend time with us, but please, call before heading over. We want to be prepared for your visits. Thanks for understanding....Love you guys.%26quot; (And hug each other)

    Good luck :)
    I wouldn%26#039;t stay with a woman who threated to leave, just to get her own way. That%26#039;s emotional blackmail. Never give in to blackmail. Sounds like your issue is her, not your parents.
    Tell your parents that they need to call before coming over to see if it is a good time for company or not. It is only common courtesy to call someone before going to visit them even if they are your family.
    Ask them if they would they please call to give you forewarning they are coming. Say you are afraid they will catch you making whoopie. Or blame your wife.
    Just say that you don%26#039;t intend this to come off in a mean way, but a heads up before they just pop in would be nice and respectful. I know what its like to have inlaws to pop in unanounced. Its frustrating. So just I can see where your wife is coming from. I think you need to tell your parents that it makes your wife uneasy about how they just come over without checking to see if its a good time.
    Next time they just walk in say %26quot; I%26#039;m sure glad you guys didn%26#039;t walk in about 30 seconds ago%26quot;, then look at your wife, zip your zipper and slap her on the butt. They%26#039;ll get the hint.
    Good question! My mom had to do the same thing to me and my husband. I just naturally assumed that it was OK to show up whenever and walk right in her house. Just had our first baby and needed lots of help so we would always go visit my parents.

    Well after a couple of months, my mom got sick of it and told me the next time I want to come over, I needed to call...or at least knock :)

    It hurt my feelings at first (I assumed since It was my old house, that I was welcomed whenever), but I came to realize why she was upset about it, not because she didn%26#039;t love us, but she wanted/needed her privacy :)

    But I would just tell your mom! She will get her feelings hurt, but at least your got your point across. Tell her she is welcome no matter what, but she needs to call first before she just shows up unannounced! She will be respectful of yours and your wife%26#039;s feelings.
    Tell your parents that your changing the locks because people just walk in and it%26#039;s bothering the both of you. That, or get naked and shock
    Next time they com over unannounced, leave. Not with angry words... tell them %26quot;Hi, good to see you. Too bad we did not know you were coming and we have plan to go out. Love you...%26quot;

    Do this EVERY time they come over unannounced and soon, they%26#039;ll call ahead.
    change the locks and pretend you dont know them. wow this is hard to believe. Your parents just need to let go already.
    Your wife has the right to ask that. It is her house. My father in law used to do that to me all the time. I asked my husband to talk to him but he still does it. So one time, I went to the door with only my underwear on. He got the message loud and clear. He never did it again. And we have a very good relationship now. Tell your parents %26quot;Will you guys please give us a call before you come over? because we might have something else planned%26quot;. If they ignore your request and still show up unannounced, tell them %26quot;I%26#039;m sorry but we already planned on going out%26quot; Walk out with them and take your wife for a drive. They will get the hint. Don%26#039;t worry, your parents will not hate you. They love you. They just need to be reminded you have a family now. And your house is yours, not an extension of their house.
    Okay...this is a common problem.

    I would just level with your folks. I bet they%26#039;ll understand, and how would they feel if they just walked in one day and found you two in a, well, %26quot;compromising position?%26quot; How do they know what you might be doing, say, on the living room floor or kitchen table?

    I%26#039;d just tell them you are BOTH uncomfortable about it, and you don%26#039;t want to hurt their feelings, but you do enjoy your privacy. Suggest they give you some warning before they literally %26quot;drop in%26quot; on you!

    Good luck!
    Change the locks, explain to your parents that you love them and want to see them just as often as ever but don%26#039;t want to have to worry about them walking in at an inoppotune moment! That should suffice as to why you prefer a bit more privacy without hurting feelings.
    i used to use my key to get into my mom%26#039;s house (after my dad passed away) all of us kids did. then she got remarried and we found out pretty quickly to use the bell. my sister walked in on them doing the nasty in the living room! her eyes are still burning!

    if there are no kids, start walking around the house naked or if you know they are on their way over start making out on the couch or something. i bet after the first time of seeing that, it will burn their eyes.

    keep the doors locked and if that doesn%26#039;t work, shove a chair under the knob. then explain why you are doing that!

    it%26#039;s out of respect for you and your wife. end of story!
    change the locks and when they come over without calling don%26#039;t answer the door after a few times of this happen they will start to call to see if your home. but tell them they need to call you before they come over.
    I gonna have to side with the wife on this one....

    They are your parents, therefore you are the one who should be speaking with them...%26amp; do not blame your wife when you explain why it isn%26#039;t a good ideal to drop in on NewlyWeds!!

    Don%26#039;t change the locks. Shouldn%26#039;t be necessary. Explain to your parents that you are somewhat of a Sexual Deviant!! and that you have a serious Whip Cream Fetish! Give them a can show them how to shake it up and squirt alittle on the back of your hand. Lick it off and say....Seee, I chase my wife around the house with this can and sometimes a spray her and sometimes she sprays me and then we lick it off and we would be sooo embarrassed if you caught us breathless and sticky.

    Good Luck,

    %26amp; you should really try this. (chasing with whip cream- oh and I%26#039;ve heard it%26#039;s great without cloths) Great for setting off a great week-end with your wife;re just going to have to be a %26#039;man%26#039; about it and tell them why! You and your wife value your privacy.... ie; %26#039;casualy after a shower and drying-off you or she my walk to your bedroom, nude%26#039;.

    CHANGING THE LOCKS WILL HELP, TEMPORARILY. Once you%26#039;ve had the locks changed, even if you say it%26#039;s for safety reasons, they%26#039;ll ask for a %26#039;NEW%26#039; key.
    Since your parents are the ones doing it, and your wife doesn%26#039;t like it, then it%26#039;s time you sat down and politely asked your family to not come over unannounced.

    It is really just a matter of setting limits and boundaries.

    You are married now, and you and your wife need your privacy. Tell them that you and she would very much appreciate it if they would call first, in case you have plans- or are otherwise engaged...! (After all, we shouldn%26#039;t do to others what we wouldn%26#039;t like others to do to us either, no?)

    Don%26#039;t change the locks before talking to them, though. I think that would be very extreme and would make things very tense.
    I think you need to look at both sitatuations.

    Your parents want to help, but coming around and %26quot;just dropping by%26quot; isn%26#039;t always good either.

    I think you need to sit down with your wife and explain to her they are just trying to help, but you respect her enough to ask your parents to please call before stopping by.

    Change your locks, and that way they won%26#039;t be tempted to come around and %26quot;walk in%26quot; uninvited.

    And lastly have a sit down with your wife and parents and find a common middle compromise to have both of them understand.

    Not only will your wife back off, your parents will appriciate you telling them it has been an issue and respect that.

    You can%26#039;t be afraid to talk to your parents. Just be straight forward with them.
    There are a lot of wonderful answers here, and I agree with them, you have been given several ways to tell your parents that. Your wife has every right to not want them walking in on her, even if you are at work, it doesn%26#039;t mean she%26#039;s doing something that she shouldn%26#039;t, but okay, as an example, when its hot in the summer, and i%26#039;m home alone, i will clean up the house or relax on the couch in old track shorts and a sports bra. NOT something i want his parents (or mine) to see!!! lol. They don%26#039;t know what is going on in your house, and they could walk in on you two doing any number of things. After we left the army, and lived with my in laws before we found our own place, my MIL walked in on me giving my hubby oral. without knocking. please talk to your parents. they will understand
    Be a man, change the locks today. Yes you love your parents, but you live with your wife.
    Just sit them down and say that you do not want them just coming over anymore unannounced. If they do not respect that then change the locks and have no regrets.
    If you think your parents would not take it kindly, then just change the locks they would get the picture.

    Questions about purchasing tax delinquent properties in Alabama.?

    I will obtain an attorney for the purposes of getting a quiet action deed, but I have questions that might ease my mind while I am considering the purchase of tax property.

    Once the county has had its tax sale and the state has purchased the property,

    1) Who cares for the property? --some of these places look abandoned but are mowed, others are not mowed at all.

    2) Who has the keys to the property/house?

    3) How can I get an idea of the inside of the property, ie. how many rooms, appliances, condition of floors, walls, etc.? Is that even possible? ((I am looking to buy my first tax property in a certain area as a home. I wouldn't have the time to fix up something, sell it, and look for something else, although I may do that later.))

    4) What if someone is living there or cares for the property?

    5) Once I have purchased the property, do I have to wait for the quiet action deed before I can look inside, change locks, etc.?

    Any real help I can get would be appreciated.
    Questions about purchasing tax delinquent properties in Alabama.?
    Your attorney will be able to answer all these questions. In many cases, all you are doing is paying back taxes on the property and you have very few rights to the property. If someone is living there, you can use a lawyer to put a lien on the property and possibly their income. However, these laws are different all over the country. Be sure you get all the straight answers before you put your money on something that could be a black hole.
    Questions about purchasing tax delinquent properties in Alabama.?
    If you plan on purchaseing the property right after the sale to the state be forwarned that there is a 3 year redemtion period that the original owners can come back and get the property. If you are looking to purchase a property for a home it is best to look at property that has been for sale by the state for over 3 years. If the property is over three years and once you pay for the property and receive the Tax Deed you can take a deeper look into the property. Of course I would not recommend buying a property with someone already living in it. Alot of legal hassels could come from it. You do not get keys to the property. And their are no warranties to the Deed. You need to get title insurance on the property to secure your deed. Also, I do not recommend making any great financial investment into the property until you have secured a title policy.

    How to change the lock on the doors?

    i am trying to change the the key part without changing the entire knob. and is it the same on most door knobs? and how can i get 6 to 8 of them with the same key?
    How to change the lock on the doors?
    just pop the knob out and replace that
    How to change the lock on the doors?
    it is alot easier to change the whole knob than just the key part. talk to someone at your local hardware store or lock smith.
    you can buy key code kits or go to your local home improvement store.
    To get the locking mechanism out the door knob must be apart. The center comes out through the middle of the interior of the lock.

    Take them to a locksmith and he can rekey them for you.

    What are a tenant's rights once they voluntarily leave?

    I gave my roommate a 30-day notice. She moved out in 12 days but has not paid me rent for duration as required by law. She verbally told me when her last day was, and left on that day without leaving a check for the duration of 30 days. I would like to change the locks, can I since she voluntarily left? Usually you have to wait until you issue %26quot;quit or pay rent%26quot; to formally evict her. She refuses to give her forwarding address (so how can I notify her?).

    She might demand to freely enter during the next 18 days once I call her to ask for rent money again (to check whether I have a new paying roommate. i do have a guest with me until the lease begins next month with my new roommate but that person is not paying yet). Let me know if I can change locks since she voluntarily left, how to notify her without any address and/or ways to pressure her (without the legal system if possible) so that I can recover the money.

    Thank you much, this will be a big help.
    What are a tenant's rights once they voluntarily leave?
    You have already served her with a 30-day to pay rent or quit and she opted to quit by voluntarily leaving the property. Instead of foreceable removal (eviction) she decided to leave of her own accord.

    The next step for you is to file a money judgement agst her for the back rent. The court whill serve her with notice to appear and if your case has merit, judgment will be awarded in your favor whether or not she bothers to appear so long as service notice was good. You still need to try and locate her forwarding address or other address she can be raeched as the process server will need it for service to be completed.
    What are a tenant's rights once they voluntarily leave?
    WELL since she left on her own she still has to pay the rent for that month. Well if u know her framily members see if they can contact her and if that does not work you will have to try to take her to civil court...
    As far as i can see, you are free to change your locks since she has left the apartment.

    You however can't expect her to pay you for a month's rent when she left after only twelve days of the month. Unless you had some contract drawn up with specific details such as this included re: last payment of rent must be made in full if tenant is evicted or voluntarily leaves before the full month has ended.

    Did you not make it mandatory to collect first and last months rent. This would have covered you, because you would have already collected the funds for her last month even if she left early.

    If you don't have a contract with this person that could hold up in a court of law, then you don't have any legal ground to stand on, because she can say that you gave her notice of eviction and since she left before the thirty-days were up, she is not obligated to pay you any rent.

    My advice is to count your losses and move on. Try to safeguard yourself in the future from this happening.

    Always ask for first and last month's rent before taking in a roommate.
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  • Can I retrieve my merchandise, if locks have been changed.Do I need a attorney?

    I had until today to move my stuff out, but landlord changed the lock as I was coming to move my merchandise from the how can or can I get my merchandise out...Do I need to get a attorney, she also is holding my security money.
    Can I retrieve my merchandise, if locks have been changed.Do I need a attorney?
    If you had until today to move your things out, you should have been there yesterday to do that.

    Your now owe the landlord money for having to move out your belongings and, hopefully put them into storage. Possibly this is why they are holding your security deposit.

    Too many holes in your post to come up with answers.

    How to change a lock ?

    I heard to drill and after?
    How to change a lock ?
    it's easy, just get a man to do it
    How to change a lock ?
    As long as you have the key for it there is no need for drilling. That drill is needed only if there was no lock and you are adding one (in which case get a lock installation kit that will include the right size bits and hole saw).

    If the lock is there and you want a new one with a new key there are only a couple of screws (usually Phillips head) that you need to take out. Look on the inside knob's escutcheon and see the two screws there. Take those out and the inner and outer knobs will come off. Get a replacement lock of the same brand (so you do not have to take out the latch) and follow its directions to slip in the outer knob and the inner knob. Then put the screws into the escutcheon and tighten them again. depends on what kind of lock...... on a door to like your home or office or something its as easy as going to a hardware store purchasing a new lock set that fits that door and installing it in the old locks place via a few screws. If it is something like a car door or file cabinet where the lock is built into it. you will need a qualified locksmith to change the tumblers inside and provide youwith a new key, try the yellow pages.
    Changing out a lock is easy. I would suggest replacing the knob and deadbolt, you can purchase these already %26quot;keyed alike%26quot; from most hardware stores, in some of the better name brands. If your adding a lock, like a deadbolt, let me know and I can talk you through that also.

    First things first though, you need to determine the type, size, and function of the lock. With the door open, look at the latch for a name (Kwikset, Schlage, Weiser, Dexter, etc...). It's not always best to replace it with the name, but it might be necessary. You can email me that info, and I can better advise you.

    Size it first--- determine the thickness of the door, it could be anywhere from 1 1/4%26quot; to 2%26quot;, but exterior doors are usually 1 3/4%26quot;. The backset is from the edge of the door to the center of the lock, which is usually where the keyhole is. This will be either 2 3/4%26quot; or 2 3/8%26quot;, most residential is the latter. You will next have to determine the size of the hole, which would require you remove the lock.

    Removal--- From the inside of the door (non-locking), take a second to look at the lock. Do you see screws? Remove the 2 screws, and the inside knob should come off. If there is no plate or additional retainer, turn the outside knob a quarter turn, and pull away from the door.

    If there are no screws, look at the knob, and on the shaft you see a slot. On the side of the knob closest to the latch, use a heavy paper clip (straightened out), and push the retainer in (it should feel springy). With the retainer puched in, pull the knob off. With the knob removed, you should see a bent clip the hold the trim (escutchion, rose, or pretty piece) in place; it might take a slight twist to remove. Under that trim, notice if there is a plate, retainer; screws or clips. If there are screws, you might just have to loosen them, and turn slightly to pull the plate off, and then pull the outside knob off. Might just be 2 screws that need to be removed, and then the knob will just come off.

    Now determine what the hole size is: 1 5/8%26quot; or 2 1/8%26quot;... should be the latter on any lock purchased after 1983.

    Now function--- passage is a hall lock, but it has no lock or key. Privacy is a bathroom/ bedrrom, and has a lock but requires no %26quot;key%26quot;, only a common object. Entry has a lock and a key. Storeroom has lock and key, but never unlocks. Decide which one suits you, probably Entry.

    Now you are set to go purchase your replacement lock, loaded with all the information you will need. It should have all the instructions you need to install it. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions, I would be happy to help you decide what lock to purchase also.
    If you just want to change a knob or a deadbolt, it's actually very easy.

    Unless your current lock is an extra-security kind, there will be two screws on the INSIDE side. You'll need to remove those.

    You should then be able to slide out the two sides of the lock. Replacement simply requires getting another lock and reversing the above. Follow the directions that come with the new lock to ensure that you have everything lined up.

    You only need a drill if you want to put a lock where one was not there before. This is a much harder task and will require that you have the right drill bits. If you really want to do this yourself and are comfortable with a power drill, I'd suggest buying a kit that comes with the right bits and measuring guides.
    i dont know, but call the specialist !!

    keep walking !!!! dont stop !!! go ahead!!!!

    look at your gools. ever and ever.
    A lock on a door? Can you be more specific?
    The easiest is to replace with the same brand. You need a screwdriver to remove the old lock if its a deadbolt or doorknob type.Best to do it with the door open.I think you meant to say you drilled the lock?

    How to change a locking ignition on a car?

    are there special tools?
    How to change a locking ignition on a car?
    Call a cab for transportation, then call a locksmith that makes car keys. Changing out your ignition lock now will only cause problems later on. If the the same key that starts your car also unlocks the door then a key can be made and you have saved the cost of a new ignition lock. If they are not the same key then you already have a changed out ignition lock. Not easy to change them out, the right tools and training are required so youu don't damage the column. The graphite in the ignition lock and jacking the car up 'trick' will not work.
    How to change a locking ignition on a car?
    Can you give more information? What is wrong the ignition - is it locked up? There may be other solutions.
    You could put some powdered graphite into the lock,where the key goes in.Jack up the vechicle so the front tires are off the ground %26amp; see if the ignition switch will turn.

    Keys stolen, how do I change locks on 92 honda accord?

    Purse was stolen with keys inside. Is it possible to rekey the doors??
    Keys stolen, how do I change locks on 92 honda accord?
    Yes. I would expect about $200 for a locksmith to do 4 doors, but it's been a while since I got a quote from a locksmith. It sounds like a good idea... although also check on the price of having an alarm system installed. It may be a better value.

    I sympathize about the purse. What a hassle!
    Keys stolen, how do I change locks on 92 honda accord?
    It's possible yeah, you'll have to call local locksmiths to get a quote.

    Dealerships will usually just sell you a complete lock change out that includes the trunk, all doors, and the ignition switch.

    Don't forget to do the ignition as well, if they do plan on taking your car, just re-keying the doors won't be enough and would be pointless if the same key can still start the car.
    Unless you live in a small town, I really wouldn't worry about it too much. Just get your plates changed and you should be good. I doubt anyone would know/find your vehicle and steal it. An alarm system would probably be the best thing if you are worried about it. has a couple good alarm systems for under $200.

    Some cruel people in the world?

    my husband went to a job today to change locks on a house which tenants had just up and left 4 days ago, all that was left was a load of rubbish and mess and guess what a PUPPY, he brought her home she is a beauty but not entirely sure of the breed looks like there is staff in her, anyway have given her lots of cuddles and some food and she seems fine considering her ordeal will take her to vet tomorrow for check up. I already have a 6 month border collie who seems to be fine with her, but we decided a few weeks ago after consideration that we would not get another dog, however this has made me re-consider my decision it has been impossible not to. Do you think this if fate. how can people so cruel.
    Some cruel people in the world?
    A stray dog came to my garage sale, and stayed..He saved my life shortly after he adopted me.. I know it was fate.
    Some cruel people in the world?
    i dont understand how people can be so cruel like that!

    if your other dog gets on ok with a puppy, then there is no reason that you shouldnt get another one. maybe having this puppy in your house has helped you see things better!
    some people r mean. i would take the puppy and keep it. it makes me sad when people do that to dogs. but hey there is a good thing in return. they get a new and better life to live.
    Take her and love her She needs love she has had enough pain in her little life so far.... Poor little dog.... It makes my heart break.... Think of a good name for her... Something like Valentine.... God Bless and enjoy your nre addition
    It is definitely fate. You need to keep that puppy! The same thing happened to me about twelve years ago. the puppy was left in my parent's driveway in the dead of winter when it was freezing out. We had put down our beloved dopg about three months before she %26quot;showed up%26quot; and my parents were animat that we weren't getting another dog for a while.

    She has been a great dog!
    What kind-hearted people you and your husband are! If only there were more people on this earth like you!
    I think you were meant to have this dog; add him to your family. A neighbor that has never had a dog ended up getting one after they saw it wandering around the neighborhood and no one was looking.
    I think that you deffinitly did the right thing by taking the puppy. If you really dont want another puppy, then take her to a no-kill shelter. You should also call your local Humain Society to report the people who left the puppy. And to tell you the truth, I think that this is fate for you. People can be cruel in this world, which I wish to stop one day. :) I also think that if you arent able to take care of her, like if you might have some financial problems then give her to one of your friends. But if you dont I think that you should deffinitly keep her.
    Cold blooded with no heart or just ignorent i dont know either..
    My husband found two dogs on the welsh mountains (dog and *****) when he was serving in the Army. He took them to the local police station but they would only keep them for two weeks

    before putting them down. We had to have them both put down last year, the ***** because she had a series of strokes which left

    her unable to move, and 6 months later the dog because his

    back end went, we did have them for 18 years though
    I have many pets myself and it makes me mad that people can just discard an animal without a though. These people need to be reported to the an Animal Welfare society for cruelity. The Police need to prosecute them. They shouldn't be allowed animals!

    I am delighted to hear that you are going to love and care for the wee pup. It is lucky ,it would have had a very poor life with those others. May be Lucky is a good name for it!!!
    Yes people are cruel to animals, but you have given her a second chance at life. She will love you forever. God Bless You! They would probably put her down if she ends up at the shelter. Keep her and love her....
    No animals or plants were harmed in the answering of this question. Any similarity with any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended.

    This answer contains a substance known by the state of California to cause excessive moronic stupidity. Use with adequate ventilation.
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  • Some cruel people in the world?

    my husband went to a job today to change locks on a house which tenants had just up and left 4 days ago, all that was left was a load of rubbish and mess and guess what a PUPPY, he brought her home she is a beauty but not entirely sure of the breed looks like there is staff in her, anyway have given her lots of cuddles and some food and she seems fine considering her ordeal will take her to vet tomorrow for check up. I already have a 6 month border collie who seems to be fine with her, but we decided a few weeks ago after consideration that we would not get another dog, however this has made me re-consider my decision it has been impossible not to. Do you think this if fate. how can people so cruel.
    Some cruel people in the world?
    Yeah this world is full of heartless, horrible people. And yes I do think it's fate for you to have that little pup. It will get all the love it deserves now.
    Some cruel people in the world?
    people are sick, %26amp; I wish there were harsher punishments for people who abuse animals. I think if your husband agrees, you should keep her. Check with your local ASPCA to see if you need to do anything to keep an abandoned dog. (you don't want those jerks to be able to come back %26amp; take her)

    good luck!!
    I dont understand how anyone could do this to an animal but I do think it is fate, keep the puppy if you can, she's been through enough poor thing
    The human being is the scum of the earth, so it's heartening to know that people like you and your husband still exist and can make a difference to the life of this poor puppy. Fate - definitely.
    It is stories like yours that makes me hate people.
    people that have no respect for animals have no respect for any human beings on this earth. animals are the same. they are innocent creatures on this earth that are just trying to get by day by day. you should contact PETA and have this reported. PETA can be intimidating at times but its whats right.
    Its terrible and whats worse imagine the poor puppy if the locks had been next week i'm sure it just makes you shudder,Even if you didn't keep it i'm sure you would find a kind home for it.

    I got a pup last year and few months later got another one and it isn't as hard it might seem they will play together and can be easy to manage.

    All the best ,its people like your husband for even bringing it home are the best.
    They may be cruel, they may have problems, whatever, what matters now is that you have a puppy...yes, I would say it's fate.
    Some people just do not care about anything besides themselves. You can only shake your head and continue to tread on your trail.
    I hope for every cruel loser out there there is a caring person who'll do things like you have. I hope it all turns out well.鈥?/a>

    Popeye was abandoned too. A guy I work with decided to rent a house and when he went to start fixing it up for his family there were two dogs in crates stuck inthe basement. He got ahold of the previous tenants that ignored him till I took the dog. He kept the other. Well its been four months since he originally found the dogs and no one wanted them. They came back and took the other one from him and are taking him to small claims court for the other things they left there. I told him to tell the judge about the abandoned dogs and that he took care of and that they didn't want anything out of the house at that time and let the judge decide. People really don't take to abandoning dogs very well these days.

    Yes it is fate. You made that decision possibly about another puppy because this was waiting for you. He needs you the other you may have adopted didn't need you as much as this little guy!!!.
    I don't know how someone could just abandon a puppy. If they hadn't the means to care for it, why get one in the first place? They could have at least brought it to a shelter rather than leaving it behind. I'm just happy that it's been found and is now safe.
    It's sad but true. One of my fabvorite dogs when i was a kid was a beagle /bassett mix that was left in a backyard when the people moved-I asked around and confirmed the dog was abandoned and no one wanted him and amazingly no one cared. I went by the house every day and gave him some food. We both got lucky because I was only 12 but my parent's were awesome-I took some food let him out took him home and told my folks he followed me. He was with our family many years until we had to move away and couldn't take-thankfully the neighbors we had did so he got to stay in his own area until he passed away.I say keep the puppy %26quot;someone%26quot; obviosly thinks you are the better parents for him-GOOD LUCK
    you sound like a good person who loves animals and there are so many people out there who abuse animals and neglect animals so any time I see a good natured person who is considering a dog I say yes. The last thing anyone wants is for that puppy to go through anything else and end up somewhere that she wouldn't be taken care of. Keep her please.
    i will never understand people who do this to animals..thank god ur husband arrived when he did!!

    but think very carefully if u can cope with 2 very young dogs..dont feel guilty if u have to find her another home, you will have given her another chance at life and there r plenty of dog lovers who would give her a home and be happy to keep u informed of her progress..good luck whatever u decide
    What these people have done is legally a crime. I would contact you're local RSPCA centre as there is a possibility they can prosecute, even if you decide to keep the puppy they will want to know about it. Scum like that should be banned from keeping pets for life.
    If you think thats bad - take a look at this!鈥?/a>

    Our last pensioner died last year - and we said 'never again' - it hurts too much.

    6 months later, and we've just picked up 2 Lab pups - the house feels complete again.

    How people can abuse an animal that offers totaal devotion, and asks for nothing more than a bowl of food and a bit of fuss is totally beyond me.
    I think its fate she is a lucky girl to find such caring people as you and your husband to take her in and love her.

    My mother found a kitten just before Christmas who had sticky eyes and a bad tummy upset, she took him in he was loud, annoying and demanding but with a firm hand and lots of love he has settled down and is devoted to all of us. He鈥檚 still loud but he more than makes up for it with his purring and cuddles and is perfectly healthy.

    Mum and a neighbour made call after call looking for his owner nothing, nobody was looking for him, we came to the conclusion that his owner unable to cope simple dumped him on the roadside (near houses AND a main busy road) a case of ignorance we think rather than deliberate cruelty, how ever it鈥榮 still cruel just not malicious.

    People just think Oh I want a dog/cat and I think just go out and get one without looking into how to look after it or how much it would cost to keep, then panic when they can鈥檛 cope and just dump the animal and there is no need there are many charities out there who would help or re-home an animal.

    You said your girl was ok and unharmed which is a blessing and from the state your husband found the place in it sounds like they couldn鈥檛 look after themselves let alone a puppy, she鈥檚 better off with you two and your border collie.
    There are alot of selfish inconsiderate people out there who just dont care. Animals have feelings too. Good on you for saving this pup. I hope you feel really good inside.
    unfortunately there are some very cruel people out there but this puppy sounds like it is one of the lucky ones finding such nice people like yourself to take her in and look after her.
    GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR HUSBAND thank gosh there are still people in the world today like you and your husband DEFINITELY FATE NO ANDS IFS OR BUTS about it. GOD knew what he was doing. THE best of luck with your new child to the family. please don't let it rest there you need to get the LAW involved here there is a LAW for abandonment and that's exactly what they did to the poor little BABY I wish more people such as yourselves would do this
    its a good job that you he went now and not in a week or so time don't bare to think what he may have found you need to find out who the animals where that had the house god knows they are so cruel and sick animals is what they are they need to be summons before they do any thing like that again they should be banned from keeping any animals so im so glad that you are going to give that pup a loveing home god bless you
    Who ever owned that house should be banned from owning any kind of pet

    Just think if you an animal would you like to be abandoned or tortured
    some people treat animals really bad it's disgusting what people get up two these days.I have a three year old female jack russel she is a lovely dog and get's spoilt.
    it just so true there are some evil people around and nasty...and it good you can look after her but follow your heart ......but if you cant keep the pup but i think you grow to love this puppy you wil have to let us know what happens
    Some people are real morons! Thank goodness there are people in the world such as you and your husband. Enjoy your new arrival; and I hope she settles in well.
    Andrea, you are obviously a lover of animals. If you keep her she will have a very good loving home, but dont make a habit of it or you will be over run babe. You are so sweet to take that little dog in and I hope your husband agrees, he must or he wouldnt have brought her home. Hey both of you, you both have my best wishes with her and hope you are all happy together. For me you both get 11 out of 10 for that. Ye like sueie says you got to let us know babe.
    its hard to imagine why people want to do this to animals

    i have 2 dogs my dad has 3 dogs and they are our family sometimes a pain in the *** but still love them forget what you said bout no more dogs this pup needs a lovin home and you have proven to be it
    I would have no problem shooting people like this stone dead, it would be doing the world a favour.

    But at least this story will have a happy ending, you know already you will keep her, I dont think you could bear to move her on again!

    as for someone coming back to get her, forget them, even if they could find you they would have to prove it was their dog, which would be hard, take her to the vet to check shes not dehydrated, get her wormed etc, and settle down to a long and happy life with your new baby!

    Good luck!
    you do get some people that love a pet and you get some that dont i do hope that the little puppy is going to be find good luck to you
    she sounds like a very lovely pup.things could have been very different. i think people are cruel like this because they have no intellegance.totally unaware of the consequenses of their actions.or they are just sadistic.