Saturday, June 4, 2011
Should I change my locks??
I live in a really bad area of a city. I live in an apartment building and i left my keys in the door and they are gone now. My car is parked in the apartment parking lot but it is not gone yet. What would happen if my car was stolen, would I be covered even though the burglar has the keys? How much is it to change locks anyway. Could I just change the door locks and leave the ignition. I know that you can use the vin number to get the key cut as well. Any help would be great. Thanks|||I live with my Mom and she lost two sets of keys in a month. I also live in the downtown area of a crime rid city and was kind of nervous at first but you can%26#039;t live in fear. Get a new lock if that makes you feel more secure and for the car I will suggest you buy an inexpensive security system just in case. Good Luck to you:)|||Yes i would|||If you can afford changing all better change it. My parents lost their key once and changed all of the door locks and car locks. Even the gearbox lock is changed to ensure safety. Better safe than sorry. Stolen cars will depend on your insurance provider. You will need to ask them for that.