I look at the locks, and I don%26#039;t see any screws or anything else that would allow me to remove the existing locks.|||Generally there are snap on covers over the screws on a dead bolt. But the door knobs/handles usually have the screws that hold the two halves together in plain site. Once you get the cover off it will require nothing more then the right size screw driver as long as the new locks are standard size.|||you need to but you a hole new kit and you will see the screws and thing on each side of the new door knob.some are covered|||The size of the hole through the door is the best determination of which lock to buy. The very best thing would be to buy the same lock. Check the brand and go to your local builders hardware company. Forget places like the big box stores. They can also tell you how to take off the old ones.|||.With dynamite|||look closely at the knob and see if there isn%26#039;t a place where you can insert a screwdriver and release the doorknob.
sometimes there is a decorative piece between the knob and door that you can pry off to expose the screws.|||Put the key in the lock and turn it slowly. It should open a couple of holes that will give you access to the screws that holds the lock in.|||Look at the edge of the door....take those screws out first, for they help hold in the plunger.
There might be a cover on the base of the knob, covering the screws...because there MUST be screws...smiling. They will be on the inside of the house, where the lock is. The cover usually has a small slit where you can force a small flat screwdriver into it and pop up. Good luck!|||There is probably just a cover, covering the screws. Would really need to see a picture. The cover may just screw on like a jar lid.
For most locks though, you don%26#039;t even have to remove the handle to change the lock combination. All you need to do is place the key in the lock then there is a pin tool that allows guts of the lock to be pulled out when the key is in the lock and turned to the right position. Then the tumblers can be replaced and the key cut accordingly.
If you buy new locks, most harwardware places will key them all the same for you for free as long as you have them rekeyed when you buy them. If you bring them back later, they will normally charge you.